Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 13 Issue: 3, 238 - 249, 25.12.2019



  • Akdoğan E., (2013). Halk dansçılarında eklem pozisyon duyusunun (propriosepsiyon) incelemesi. Pamukkale Journal of Sports Sciences. 4, 122–133.
  • Akın M., Sallayıcı M., Kesilmiş İ. Kesilmiş MM. (2017). Determining the correlation between dynamic balance ability to plantar flexion and dorsi flexion range of motion in swimmers. Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Sports Sciences. 9, 71–76.
  • Aksit T., Cirik G. (2017). Comparison of static and dynamic balance parameters and some performance characteristics in rock climbers of different levels. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise. 19, 11–17.
  • Algun ZC. (2018). Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon. (3)
  • Ambegaonkar JP., Caswell SV., Winchester JB., Shimokochi Y., Cortes N. Caswell AM. (2014). Balance comparisons between female dancers and active nondancers. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 84, 24–29.
  • Ambegaonkar JP., Mettinger LM., Caswell SV., Burtt A., Cortes N. (2014). Relationships between core endurance, hip strength, and balance in collegiate female athletes. The International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy. 9, 604-615.
  • Arol P., Eroğlu KL. (2018). The effects of 8-week balance training on the kayaking performance of the beginners. Pedagogics, Psychology, Medical-Biological Problems of Physical Training and Sports. 22, 170.
  • Atılgan AOE., Ramazanoğlu N., Uzun S., Çamlıgüney F. (2012). The effects of postüral control to gender differences in children. Journal of Human Sciences. 9, 1272–1280.
  • Bressel E., Yonker JC., Kras J., Heath EM. (2007). Comparison of static and dynamic balance in female. Journal of Athletic Training. 42, 42–46.
  • Cug M., Wikstrom EA., Golshaei B., Kirazci S. (2016). The effects of sex, limb dominance, and soccer participation on knee proprioception and dynamic postüral control. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 25, 31–39.
  • Çebi M., Agaoglu SA., Elioz M. (2017). The comparison of the balance, breathing capacity and reaction time of the different impaired group of athletes. The Anthropologist. 27, 44–48.
  • Çınarlı T., Koç Z. (2018). 65 yaş ve üzeri yaşlılarda düşme risk ve korkusunun günlük yaşam aktiviteleri ve yaşam kalitesi üzerine etkisi. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 4, 660–679.
  • Emery CA., Cassidy JD., Klassen TP., Rosychuk RJ., Rowe BH. (2005). Effectiveness of a home-based balance-training program in reducing sports-related injuries among healthy adolescents: a cluster randomized controlled trial. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 172, 749–754.
  • Erkmen N., Suveren S., Göktepe AS., Yazıcıoğlu K. (2007). Farklı branşlardaki sporcuların denge performanslarının karşılaştırılması. Spormetre Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi. 3, 115–122.
  • Esen A., Rudarli Nalcakan G., Varol SR. (2013). Joint position sense in Turkish professional ballet dancers. Nigde University Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences. 7, 60–67.
  • Faraldo-García A., Santos-Pérez S., Crujeiras-Casais R., Labella-Caballero T., Soto-Varela A. (2012). Influence of age and gender in the sensory analysis of balance control. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology. 269, 673–677.
  • Fronczek–Wojciechowska M., Padula G., Kowalska J., Galli M., Livatino S., Kopacz K. (2016). Static balance and dynamic balance related to rotational movement in ballet dance students. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport. 16, 801–816.
  • Gerbino PG., Griffin ED., Zurakowski D. (2007). Comparison of standing balance between female collegiate dancers and soccer players. Gait & Postüre. 26, 501–507.
  • Golomer E., Dupui P., Monod H. (1997). Sex-linked differences in equilibrium reactions among adolescents performing complex sensorimotor tasks. Journal of Physiology. 91, 49–55.
  • Gür F., Ersöz G. (2017). Kor antrenmanın 8-14 yaş grubu tenis sporcularının kor kuvveti, statik ve dinamik denge özellikleri üzerindeki etkisinin değerlendirilmesi. Spormetre Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi. 15, 129–138.
  • Hageman PA., Leibowitz JM., Blanke D. (1995). Age and gender effects on postüral control measures. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 76, 961–965.
  • Howell DR., Hanson E., Sugimoto D., Stracciolini A., Meehan WP. (2017). Assessment of the postüral stability of female and male athletes. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine. 27, 444–449.
  • Hrysomallis C. (2011). Balance ability and athletic performance. Sports Medicine. 41, 221–232.
  • Izokinetik denge sistemi. (2013).
  • Jeter PE., Moonaz SH., Bittner AK., Dagnelie G. (2015). Ashtanga-based yoga therapy increases the sensory contribution to postüral stability in visually-impaired persons at risk for falls as measured by the Wii balance board: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Plos One. 10, 1–23.
  • Karacabey K., Durgun R., Sonmez E., Adilogulları I., Ozmerdivenli R. (2008). Determination of the anthropometric measurements of dancers from the Halay and Horon regions. Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi Araştırmaları. 6, 56–61.
  • Khuman PR., Kamlesh T., Surbala L. (2014). Comparison of static and dynamic balance among collegiate cricket, soccer and volleyball male players. International Journal of Health & Allied Sciences. 3, 9-13.
  • Kibele A., Granacher U., Muehlbauer T. (2015). Stable, unstable, and metastable states of equilibrium: Definitions and applications to human movement. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 14, 885–887.
  • Lima Y. (2018). Postüral kontrol ölçüm teknikleri. Türkiye Klinikleri Sport Medicine (Special Topic). 4, 58-60.
  • Ljubojević A., Bijelić S., Zagorc M., Radisavljević L., Uzunović S., Pantelić K. (2012). Effects of proprioceptive training on balance skills among sport dance dancers. Physical Education and Sport. 10, 257–266.
  • Ocak Y., Tortop Y. (2013). Examining the effects of folk dance exercises on some physical fitness parameters in women. Spor ve Performans Araştırmaları Dergisi. 4, 46–54.
  • Okdan B., Nalçakan RG., Onur E., Oran A., Nalçakan M. (2016). Effect of folk dance training on blood oxidative stress level, lipids, and lipoproteins. Polish Journal of Sport and Tourism. 23, 133–139.
  • Perrin P., Deviterne D., Hugel F., Perrot C. (2002). Judo, better than dance, develops sensorimotor adaptabilities involved in balance control. Gait & Postüre. 15, 187–194.
  • Samuel AJ. (2015). A critical review on the normal postüral control. Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Journal. 8, 71–75.
  • Schmit JM., Regis DI., Riley MA. (2005). Dynamic patterns of postüral sway in ballet dancers and track athletes. Experimental Brain Research. 163, 370–378.
  • Sell TC., Lovalekar MT., Nagai T., Wirt MD., Abt JP., Lephart, SM. (2018). Gender differences in static and dynamic postüral stability of soldiers in the army’s 101st airborne division (air assault). Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 27, 126–131.
  • Sforza C., Grassi GP., Turci M., Fragnito N., Pizzini G., Ferrario VF. (2003). Influence of training on maintenance of equilibrium on a tilting platform. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 96, 127–136.
  • Sirmen B., Atilgan O., Uzun S, Ramazanoglu N., Atil ZDE. (2008). The comparison of static balance and postüral sway of water polo players, karate athletes and sedentary people. 50th ICHPER-SD Anniversary World Congress Japan.
  • Soyuer F., İsmailoğulları S. (2009). Yaşlılık ve denge. Türk Serebrovasküler Hastalıklar Dergisi. 15, 15–25.
  • Soyuer F., Şenol V., Elmalı F. (2012). Huzur evinde kalan 65 yaş ve üstündeki bireylerin, fiziksel aktivite, denge ve mobilite fonksiyonları. Van Tıp Dergisi. 19, 116–121.
  • Şimşek D., Ertan H. (2011). Postüral kontrol ve spor: spor branşlarına yönelik postüral sensör-motor stratejiler ve postüral salınım. Spormetre Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi. 9, 81–90.
  • Teyhen DS., Riebel MA., McArthur DR., Savini M., Jones MJ., Goffar SL., Plisky PJ. (2014). Normative data and the influence of age and gender on power, balance, flexibility, and functional movement in healthy service members. Military Medicine. 179, 413–420.
  • Vuillerme N., Danion F., Marin L., Boyadjian A., Prieur J., Weise I., Nougier V. (2001). The effect of expertise in gymnastics on postüral control. Neuroscience Letters. 303, 83–86.
  • Wikstrom E., Tillman M., Kline K., Borsa P. (2009). Gender and limb differences in dynamic postüral stability during landing. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine. 16(311), 311–315.


Year 2019, Volume: 13 Issue: 3, 238 - 249, 25.12.2019


Bu çalışmada amaç, düzenli halk oyunları çalışmalarına katılan genç halk dansçılarının statik ve dinamik denge performanslarını ve bu performanslardaki cinsiyete bağlı değişimleri değerlendirmektedir. Çalışmaya 18-30 yaş arası, sağlıklı 27 halk oyunları dansçısı (HOG, K=11) ile kontrol grubu olarak farklı branşlarda antrene olan 16 antrene sporcu (ASG, K=6) ve 20 rekreasyonel aktif kişi (RAG, K=10) katıldı. Statik ve dinamik denge performansının değerlendirmesi izokinetik denge cihazında (PROKIN 252, Tecnobody, Bergamo-İtalya) gerçekleştirildi. Gruplar arası karşılaştırmalar için tek yönlü varyans analizi, farkın hangi gruplar arasında olduğunu belirlemek için LSD post-hoc düzeltmesi; her bir gruptaki cinsiyete bağlı değişimleri saptamak için Mann Whitney U testi kullanıldı. Gruplar arasında dinamik dengede hedeften sapma yüzdesinde (ATE) HOG ve RAG benzer, ASG ise anlamlı olarak en düşük performansa sahipti. Tüm parametrelerde kadınların daha iyi değerlere sahip olduğu görülmekle beraber, HOG ve ASG’de ATE, çift bacak göz açık (GA) perimeter uzunluk (P), sol bacak elips alanı (GA-EA) ve GA-P; RAG’de ise sağ ve sol bacak GA-EA ve GA-P’deki farklılık anlamlıydı (p≤0,05). Elde edilen sonuçlar değerlendirildiğinde, düzenli yapılan halk oyunları çalışmalarının statik ve dinamik denge performansını geliştirmede anlamlı etkisinin olduğu, kadın dansçıların erkeklere göre statik ve dinamik denge performanslarının daha iyi olduğu söylenebilir. Gözlenen farklılıklar, postüral stabilitede cinsiyete özel antrenmanın önemini göstermektedir.


  • Akdoğan E., (2013). Halk dansçılarında eklem pozisyon duyusunun (propriosepsiyon) incelemesi. Pamukkale Journal of Sports Sciences. 4, 122–133.
  • Akın M., Sallayıcı M., Kesilmiş İ. Kesilmiş MM. (2017). Determining the correlation between dynamic balance ability to plantar flexion and dorsi flexion range of motion in swimmers. Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Sports Sciences. 9, 71–76.
  • Aksit T., Cirik G. (2017). Comparison of static and dynamic balance parameters and some performance characteristics in rock climbers of different levels. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise. 19, 11–17.
  • Algun ZC. (2018). Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon. (3)
  • Ambegaonkar JP., Caswell SV., Winchester JB., Shimokochi Y., Cortes N. Caswell AM. (2014). Balance comparisons between female dancers and active nondancers. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 84, 24–29.
  • Ambegaonkar JP., Mettinger LM., Caswell SV., Burtt A., Cortes N. (2014). Relationships between core endurance, hip strength, and balance in collegiate female athletes. The International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy. 9, 604-615.
  • Arol P., Eroğlu KL. (2018). The effects of 8-week balance training on the kayaking performance of the beginners. Pedagogics, Psychology, Medical-Biological Problems of Physical Training and Sports. 22, 170.
  • Atılgan AOE., Ramazanoğlu N., Uzun S., Çamlıgüney F. (2012). The effects of postüral control to gender differences in children. Journal of Human Sciences. 9, 1272–1280.
  • Bressel E., Yonker JC., Kras J., Heath EM. (2007). Comparison of static and dynamic balance in female. Journal of Athletic Training. 42, 42–46.
  • Cug M., Wikstrom EA., Golshaei B., Kirazci S. (2016). The effects of sex, limb dominance, and soccer participation on knee proprioception and dynamic postüral control. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 25, 31–39.
  • Çebi M., Agaoglu SA., Elioz M. (2017). The comparison of the balance, breathing capacity and reaction time of the different impaired group of athletes. The Anthropologist. 27, 44–48.
  • Çınarlı T., Koç Z. (2018). 65 yaş ve üzeri yaşlılarda düşme risk ve korkusunun günlük yaşam aktiviteleri ve yaşam kalitesi üzerine etkisi. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 4, 660–679.
  • Emery CA., Cassidy JD., Klassen TP., Rosychuk RJ., Rowe BH. (2005). Effectiveness of a home-based balance-training program in reducing sports-related injuries among healthy adolescents: a cluster randomized controlled trial. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 172, 749–754.
  • Erkmen N., Suveren S., Göktepe AS., Yazıcıoğlu K. (2007). Farklı branşlardaki sporcuların denge performanslarının karşılaştırılması. Spormetre Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi. 3, 115–122.
  • Esen A., Rudarli Nalcakan G., Varol SR. (2013). Joint position sense in Turkish professional ballet dancers. Nigde University Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences. 7, 60–67.
  • Faraldo-García A., Santos-Pérez S., Crujeiras-Casais R., Labella-Caballero T., Soto-Varela A. (2012). Influence of age and gender in the sensory analysis of balance control. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology. 269, 673–677.
  • Fronczek–Wojciechowska M., Padula G., Kowalska J., Galli M., Livatino S., Kopacz K. (2016). Static balance and dynamic balance related to rotational movement in ballet dance students. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport. 16, 801–816.
  • Gerbino PG., Griffin ED., Zurakowski D. (2007). Comparison of standing balance between female collegiate dancers and soccer players. Gait & Postüre. 26, 501–507.
  • Golomer E., Dupui P., Monod H. (1997). Sex-linked differences in equilibrium reactions among adolescents performing complex sensorimotor tasks. Journal of Physiology. 91, 49–55.
  • Gür F., Ersöz G. (2017). Kor antrenmanın 8-14 yaş grubu tenis sporcularının kor kuvveti, statik ve dinamik denge özellikleri üzerindeki etkisinin değerlendirilmesi. Spormetre Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi. 15, 129–138.
  • Hageman PA., Leibowitz JM., Blanke D. (1995). Age and gender effects on postüral control measures. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 76, 961–965.
  • Howell DR., Hanson E., Sugimoto D., Stracciolini A., Meehan WP. (2017). Assessment of the postüral stability of female and male athletes. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine. 27, 444–449.
  • Hrysomallis C. (2011). Balance ability and athletic performance. Sports Medicine. 41, 221–232.
  • Izokinetik denge sistemi. (2013).
  • Jeter PE., Moonaz SH., Bittner AK., Dagnelie G. (2015). Ashtanga-based yoga therapy increases the sensory contribution to postüral stability in visually-impaired persons at risk for falls as measured by the Wii balance board: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Plos One. 10, 1–23.
  • Karacabey K., Durgun R., Sonmez E., Adilogulları I., Ozmerdivenli R. (2008). Determination of the anthropometric measurements of dancers from the Halay and Horon regions. Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi Araştırmaları. 6, 56–61.
  • Khuman PR., Kamlesh T., Surbala L. (2014). Comparison of static and dynamic balance among collegiate cricket, soccer and volleyball male players. International Journal of Health & Allied Sciences. 3, 9-13.
  • Kibele A., Granacher U., Muehlbauer T. (2015). Stable, unstable, and metastable states of equilibrium: Definitions and applications to human movement. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 14, 885–887.
  • Lima Y. (2018). Postüral kontrol ölçüm teknikleri. Türkiye Klinikleri Sport Medicine (Special Topic). 4, 58-60.
  • Ljubojević A., Bijelić S., Zagorc M., Radisavljević L., Uzunović S., Pantelić K. (2012). Effects of proprioceptive training on balance skills among sport dance dancers. Physical Education and Sport. 10, 257–266.
  • Ocak Y., Tortop Y. (2013). Examining the effects of folk dance exercises on some physical fitness parameters in women. Spor ve Performans Araştırmaları Dergisi. 4, 46–54.
  • Okdan B., Nalçakan RG., Onur E., Oran A., Nalçakan M. (2016). Effect of folk dance training on blood oxidative stress level, lipids, and lipoproteins. Polish Journal of Sport and Tourism. 23, 133–139.
  • Perrin P., Deviterne D., Hugel F., Perrot C. (2002). Judo, better than dance, develops sensorimotor adaptabilities involved in balance control. Gait & Postüre. 15, 187–194.
  • Samuel AJ. (2015). A critical review on the normal postüral control. Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Journal. 8, 71–75.
  • Schmit JM., Regis DI., Riley MA. (2005). Dynamic patterns of postüral sway in ballet dancers and track athletes. Experimental Brain Research. 163, 370–378.
  • Sell TC., Lovalekar MT., Nagai T., Wirt MD., Abt JP., Lephart, SM. (2018). Gender differences in static and dynamic postüral stability of soldiers in the army’s 101st airborne division (air assault). Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 27, 126–131.
  • Sforza C., Grassi GP., Turci M., Fragnito N., Pizzini G., Ferrario VF. (2003). Influence of training on maintenance of equilibrium on a tilting platform. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 96, 127–136.
  • Sirmen B., Atilgan O., Uzun S, Ramazanoglu N., Atil ZDE. (2008). The comparison of static balance and postüral sway of water polo players, karate athletes and sedentary people. 50th ICHPER-SD Anniversary World Congress Japan.
  • Soyuer F., İsmailoğulları S. (2009). Yaşlılık ve denge. Türk Serebrovasküler Hastalıklar Dergisi. 15, 15–25.
  • Soyuer F., Şenol V., Elmalı F. (2012). Huzur evinde kalan 65 yaş ve üstündeki bireylerin, fiziksel aktivite, denge ve mobilite fonksiyonları. Van Tıp Dergisi. 19, 116–121.
  • Şimşek D., Ertan H. (2011). Postüral kontrol ve spor: spor branşlarına yönelik postüral sensör-motor stratejiler ve postüral salınım. Spormetre Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi. 9, 81–90.
  • Teyhen DS., Riebel MA., McArthur DR., Savini M., Jones MJ., Goffar SL., Plisky PJ. (2014). Normative data and the influence of age and gender on power, balance, flexibility, and functional movement in healthy service members. Military Medicine. 179, 413–420.
  • Vuillerme N., Danion F., Marin L., Boyadjian A., Prieur J., Weise I., Nougier V. (2001). The effect of expertise in gymnastics on postüral control. Neuroscience Letters. 303, 83–86.
  • Wikstrom E., Tillman M., Kline K., Borsa P. (2009). Gender and limb differences in dynamic postüral stability during landing. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine. 16(311), 311–315.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Sports Medicine
Journal Section Research Articles

Yeliz Yol This is me 0000-0002-0859-6238

Gülbin Rudarlı Nalçakan 0000-0001-8914-7479

Bora Okdan This is me 0000-0002-9743-5216

Mesut Nalçakan This is me 0000-0001-5597-4468

Publication Date December 25, 2019
Submission Date May 15, 2019
Acceptance Date December 24, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 13 Issue: 3


APA Yol, Y., Rudarlı Nalçakan, G., Okdan, B., Nalçakan, M. (2019). GENÇ HALK OYUNLARI DANSÇILARININ DENGE PERFORMANSLARININ BELIRLENMESI. Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 13(3), 238-249.