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Türkiye ve Rusya'nın Balkanlar'daki Kamu Diplomasisinin Karşılaştırmalı Analizi (Rus Dünyası Vakfı ve Yunus Emre Enstitüsü Örneği)

Year 2023, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 1 - 22, 28.03.2023


Kamu diplomasisi devletlerin yumuşak güç araçlarını kullanarak birbirlerini sosyal, kültürel ve siyasal anlamda etkilemesiyle ortaya çıkan yeni bir diplomatik alandır. Rusya ve Türkiye bu yeni diplomasi aracını özellikle soğuk savaşın sona ermesinden itibaren yoğun bir şekilde kullanmıştır. Her iki ülke de jeopolitik açıdan güvenlik koridorunun önemli bir bölgesi olan Balkanlarda ortak kimlik araçlarıyla hareket ederek yeni bir diplomasi alanı olan kamu diplomasisini kullanmış ve kullanmaya devam etmektedir. Uluslararası İlişkiler teorilerinde kamu diplomasisi realist, liberal ve konstrüktivist perspektif ile değerlendirilmiştir. Makalede, Rusya ile Türkiye’nin kamu diplomasisi araçlarını nasıl kullandıkları aynı tarihte benzer amaçlar ile kurulan Rus Dünyası Vakfı ve Yunus Emre Enstitüsü üzerinden karşılaştırmalı analiz edilmiştir. Rus Dünyası Vakfı’nın en fazla etkili olduğu devletler olan Bulgaristan, Sırbistan ve Yunanistan’ın Rusya ile ilişkileri daha detaylı incelenirken diğer Balkan ülkelerindeki Rus Dünyası Vakfı’nın faaliyetleri ile ilgili genel bilgiler verilmiştir. Rusya’nın faaliyet alanlarının içerik analizi yapıldığında Rusya’nın kamu diplomasisine realist bir bakış açısıyla küresel ve bölgesel imajını restore etmek ve stratejik alan kazanmak için başvurduğu sonucu çıkmıştır. Türkiye, tarihi ve kültürel birlikteliğini korumak ve kuvvetlendirmek için bölgesel unsurlarla ortak hareket etme amacıyla kamu diplomasisini kullanmıştır. Türkiye’nin Balkanlar kamu diplomasi aracı olarak ise Yunus Emre Enstitüsü faaliyetleri incelenmiştir. Yunus Emre Enstitüsünün en fazla etkili olduğu bölgeler olan Bosna-Hersek, Kuzey Makedonya ve Kosova üzerinden faaliyetler daha detaylı incelenmiş diğer Balkan ülkeleri ile ilgili genel faaliyet bilgileri verilmiştir. Türkiye’nin faaliyet alanlarının içerik analizi yapıldığında ise Türkiye kamu diplomasisini konstrüktivist temelde, daha kapsayıcı, bölge ile iletişimini birliktelik üzerine kuran, bölgeyi kendisinin bir parçası olarak gören ortak kimlik ve kültür inşasını önceleyen bir amaç ile gerçekleştirmiştir.


  • Erik Pajtinka, “Public Diplomacy as a Theoretical Problem: Searching for a Definition," European Journal of Transformation Studies, 7(2), 2019, p. 23
  • Barry H. Steiner, “Diplomacy and international theory," Review of International Studies, 2004, p.497
  • Benno H. Signitzer ve Timothy Coombs, “Public relations and public diplomacy: Conceptual convergence," Public relations review, 18(2), 1992, p. 138
  • Robert D. Putnam, “Diplomacy and domestic politics: the logic of two-level games," International organization, 1988, p.434
  • Efe Sevin, Public diplomacy and the implementation of foreign policy in the US, Sweden, and Turkey. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, Londra, 2017, p.19
  • Nancy Snow, Rethinking Public Diplomacy. Handbook of Public Diplomacy, Nancy Snow and Philip M. Taylor (der.) içinde. Routledge, Londra,2009, p.6
  • Joseph Nye, Bound to Lead: The changing nature of American power, Basic books, New York, 2016, s.37
  • Efe Sevin, Public diplomacy and the implementation of foreign policy in the US, Sweden, and Turkey. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, Londra, 2017, p.43
  • Joseph Nye, Soft Power. The Means to Success in World Politics, Public Affairs, New York, 2004, s.17-20
  • Joseph Nye, “Public Diplomacy and Soft Power” The Annals of the American Academy, 2008, p.95
  • Tayyar Arı, Uluslararası İlişkiler Teorileri: Çatışma, Hegemonya, İşbirliği. Aktuel Published, Bursa, 2018, p.116
  • Simon Anholt, “Nation-brands of the twenty-first century. Journal of Brand Management”, 5(6), 1998, p.397-398
  • Tayyar Arı, Uluslararası İlişkiler Teorileri: Çatışma, Hegemonya, İşbirliği. Aktüel Published, Bursa, 2018, p.230
  • Joseph Nye ve Robert. Keohane, " Transnational Relations and World Politics," International Organization, 1971, p.332 European Commission, Erasmus+ Factsheet. Statistics—European Commission. 2014, Access Date: 1.2.2022
  • Peter Van Ham, “Branding territory: Inside the wonderful worlds of PR and IR theory," Millennium, 31(2), 2002, p.260
  • Milja Kurki ve Colin Wight "International relations and social science." International relations theories: Discipline and diversity,2007, p.25
  • Eytan Gilboa, “Searching for a theory of public diplomacy. The Annals of the American academy of political and social science”, 616(1), 2008, p.68
  • Anna Klyueva ve Katerina Tsetsura, Strategic Aspects of Russia’s Cultural Diplomacy in Europe: Challenges and Opportunities of the 21st Century, PIE Peter Lang, Brussels, 2015, p.127
  • Katherina Avgerinos, “Russia’s public diplomacy effort: What the Kremlin is doing and why it is not working," Journal of public and international affairs, 20(1), 2009, p.118-119
  • Anna Klyueva ve Anna Mikhaylova, "Building the Russian world: Cultural diplomacy of the Russian language and cultural identity," JOMEC Journal, 11, 2017, p.129
  • Michal Wawrzonek, “Ukraine in the “gray zone”: Between the “Russkiy Mir" and Europe. East European Politics and Societies”, 28(04), 2014, p.759
  • Anna Velikaya, Russia's public diplomacy. Greg Simons (Ed.). Springer International Publishing, Berlin, 2020, p.124
  • Greg Simons, Attempting to re-brand the branded: Russia’s international image in the 21st century. Russian Journal of Communication, 4(3-4), 2011, p.338
  • Aslı Yiğit Gülseven, Geçmişten Günümüze Russkiy Mir (Rus Dünyası): Bir Kimlik Projesinden Uluslararası Politikaya. Avrasya Etüdleri, 56(2), 2019, p.41 Ruskiyy Mir Foundation, 2007. Access Date:10.2.2022
  • Stanislav Secrieru, “Russia in the Western Balkans” European Union Institute of Security Studies,2. 2019,p.3-4
  • Dimitar Bechev & Branislav Radeljić, Russia and the Balkans. Russian Analytical Digest (RAD), 226. 2018, p.4
  • Russkiy Mir Foundation/Serbia was studied between 2009-2022. Internet access address: Access Date: 12.2.2022
  • Russkiy Mir Foundation/Greece was studied between 2009-2022. Internet access address: 14.2.2022
  • Ahmet Nafiz Ünalmış,“Yumuşak Gücün Tesis Edilmesinde Kültürel Diplomasinin Önemi ve Bir Uygulayıcı Olarak Yunus Emre Institute” Bilig, (91), 2019 p.138
  • Ayhan Nuri Yılmaz ve Gökmen Kılıçoğlu, Balkanlar’da YTB ve TİKA’nın Türk Kamu Diplomasisi Kurumları Olarak Faaliyetleri ve Türkiye’nin Bölgedeki Yumuşak Gücüne Etkileri. Finans Ekonomi ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2(2), 2017, p.122
  • Ayhan Kaya ve Ayşe Tecmen “The role of common cultural heritage in external promotion of modern Turkey: Yunus Emre Cultural Centres," İstanbul Bilgi University European Institute, 2011, p.7
  • Ahmet Nafiz Ünalmış, “Yumuşak Gücün Tesis Edilmesinde Kültürel Diplomasinin Önemi ve Bir Uygulayıcı Olarak Yunus Emre Institute”, Bilig, (91), 2019, p.147
  • Ayhan Kaya ve Ayşe Tecmen “The role of common cultural heritage in external promotion of modern Turkey: Yunus Emre Cultural Centres," İstanbul Bilgi University European Institute, 2011, p.11-13
  • Yunus Emre Institute 2019 Annual Report, p.11 Access date: 3.3.2022
  • Muharrem Ekşi ve Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, “The rise and fall of Turkish soft power and public diplomacy” Gazi Akademik Bakış, Cilt:11-Sayı:23, 2018, p.32
  • Muharrem Ekşi, “Turkey’s cultural diplomacy and soft power policy towards the Balkans” Karadeniz Araştırmaları, (55), 2017, p. 196-197
  • Muharrem Ekşi, (2015). “AK Parti Döneminde Türkiye’nin Balkanlarda Kamu-Kültürel Diplomasi Aracılığıyla Toplumsal-Kültürel Etkinliğini Artırma Politikası”, I. International Congress of Social Sciences Researches, Denizli, 2015, p.722
  • Yunus Emre Institute 2019 Annual Report,, p. 14, Accessed Date: 11.3.22022
  • Yunus Emre Institute Sarajevo Turkish cultural center activity, “The book of Bosnia-Herzegovina in Ottoman Documents was introduced in Sarajevo," 26.05.2017, Herzegovina-book-promotion-delivered-in-Sarajevo Access Date: 17.2.2022
  • Yunus Emre Institute Sarajevo Turkish cultural center activity, “Traditional Turkish Music and Bosnia-Herzegovina Folklore” Concert in Sarajevo, 30.10.2017, Turk-music-ve-Bosnia-Herzegovina-folklore-concert Accessed: 19.2.2022
  • Yunus Emre Institute Foynitsa Turkish cultural center activity, “The Messages of Ahidnâme” Book Launched in Sarajevo, 15.05.2018, -introduced Access date: 19.2.2022
  • Yunus Emre Institute Sarajevo Turkish cultural center activity, “Common Dictionary of Words of Turkish Origin in Balkan Languages Introduced," 18.6.2018, words-dictionary-introduced Accessed on: 20.2.2022
  • Yunus Emre Institute Mostar Turkish cultural center activity, “2021 Online Turkish Speaking Club Started” 2.3.2021, started Access date: 20.2.2022
  • Yunus Emre Institute Bosnia-Herzegovina Turkish cultural centers activity numbers, between 2009-2021, / Access date: 21.2.2022
  • Yunus Emre Institute Skopje Turkish cultural center activity, “The Cultural Effects of the Ottoman Empire in Macedonia Exhibition," was held for the second time” 15.10.2015, effects-exhibition-second-realized Access Date: 16.2.2022
  • Yunus Emre Institute Skopje Turkish cultural center activity, “Oral Folk Products: Similarities in Macedonian and Turkish Idioms and Proverbs” Panel in Skopje” products-Macedon-and-Turk-idioms-and-similars-in-parents-panel Access Date: 17.2.2022
  • Yunus Emre Institute Skopje Turkish cultural center activity, "Night of Respect" in Macedonia, 20.02.2018 Access Date: 19.2.2022
  • Yunus Emre Institute Skopje Turkish cultural center activity, “Turkish Pronunciation and Sensation Workshop” Held in Skopje” 16.11.2020, -workshop-edited Access Date: 19.2.2022
  • Yunus Emre Institute Macedonia Turkish cultural center activities, between 2010-2021, Access Date:20.2.2022
  • Yunus Emre Institute 2019 Annual Report,, p. 14, Accessed on: 20.2.2022
  • Yunus Emre Institute Prizren Turkish cultural center activity, “The sixth Turkish Jazz Week was held in Kosovo," 24.05.2017, sixth-done Access Date:20.2.2022
  • Yunus Emre Institute Prizren Turkish cultural center activity, “Yunus Emre Institute organizes “Turkish Cinema Summer School” in Istanbul for 23 young filmmaker candidates from 20 countries”, 4.8.2018, /news/Yunus-Emre-institutes-20-ulkeden-23-genc-sinemaci-adayi-icin-istanbulda-Turk-sinemasi-summer-school Access Date:21.2.2022
  • Yunus Emre Institute İpek Türk cultural center activity, “Introducing Silk Book in Ottoman Documents," 6.5.2019, Access Date:21.2.2022.
  • Yunus Emre Institute İpek Türk cultural center activity, “Digital Commemoration Program for Honorary Kaya," 2.4.2020 Access Date:21.2.2022
  • Yunus Emre Institute Kosovo Turkish cultural center activities, between 2011-2021, / / https://ipek.yee Access Date: 21.2.2022
  • Yunus Emre Institute 2014 Annual Report,, Access Date: 21.2.2022

Comparative Analysis of Turkey and Russia's Public Diplomacy on the Balkans (Example of the Russian World Foundation and Yunus Emre Institute)

Year 2023, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 1 - 22, 28.03.2023


Public diplomacy is a new diplomatic field that emerges as states influence each other socially, culturally and politically by using soft power tools. Russia and Türkiye have used this new tool of diplomacy intensively, especially since the end of the cold war. Both countries have used and continue to use public diplomacy, a new field of diplomacy, by acting with common identity tools in the Balkans, which is an important region of the security corridor in geopolitical terms. In the theories of International Relations, public diplomacy has been evaluated from a realist, liberal and constructivist perspective. In the article, how Russia and Türkiye use public diplomacy tools is analyzed with a comparison through the Russkiyy Mir Foundation and Yunus Emre Institute, which were established at the same time for similar purposes. The states where the Russian World Foundation is most influential are Bulgaria, Serbia and Greece, and their relations with Russia have been studied in more detail. General information was given about the activities of the Russian World Foundation in other Balkan countries. When the content analysis of the fields of activity of Russia was made, it was concluded that Russia applied to public diplomacy with a realistic perspective to restore its global and regional image and obtain strategic area. Türkiye has used public diplomacy in order to act jointly with regional elements in order to preserve and strengthen its historical and cultural unity. Yunus Emre Institute activities as Türkiye's Balkans public diplomacy tool have been examined. Activities through Bosnia-Herzegovina, North Macedonia and Kosovo, which are the regions where Yunus Emre Institute is most influential, were examined in more detail and general activity information about other Balkan countries was given. When the content analysis of Türkiye's fields of activity is done, Türkiye has realized its public diplomacy on a constructivist basis, with a more inclusive purpose, establishing its communication with the region on unity, and prioritizing the construction of a common identity and culture that sees the region as a part of itself.


  • Erik Pajtinka, “Public Diplomacy as a Theoretical Problem: Searching for a Definition," European Journal of Transformation Studies, 7(2), 2019, p. 23
  • Barry H. Steiner, “Diplomacy and international theory," Review of International Studies, 2004, p.497
  • Benno H. Signitzer ve Timothy Coombs, “Public relations and public diplomacy: Conceptual convergence," Public relations review, 18(2), 1992, p. 138
  • Robert D. Putnam, “Diplomacy and domestic politics: the logic of two-level games," International organization, 1988, p.434
  • Efe Sevin, Public diplomacy and the implementation of foreign policy in the US, Sweden, and Turkey. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, Londra, 2017, p.19
  • Nancy Snow, Rethinking Public Diplomacy. Handbook of Public Diplomacy, Nancy Snow and Philip M. Taylor (der.) içinde. Routledge, Londra,2009, p.6
  • Joseph Nye, Bound to Lead: The changing nature of American power, Basic books, New York, 2016, s.37
  • Efe Sevin, Public diplomacy and the implementation of foreign policy in the US, Sweden, and Turkey. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, Londra, 2017, p.43
  • Joseph Nye, Soft Power. The Means to Success in World Politics, Public Affairs, New York, 2004, s.17-20
  • Joseph Nye, “Public Diplomacy and Soft Power” The Annals of the American Academy, 2008, p.95
  • Tayyar Arı, Uluslararası İlişkiler Teorileri: Çatışma, Hegemonya, İşbirliği. Aktuel Published, Bursa, 2018, p.116
  • Simon Anholt, “Nation-brands of the twenty-first century. Journal of Brand Management”, 5(6), 1998, p.397-398
  • Tayyar Arı, Uluslararası İlişkiler Teorileri: Çatışma, Hegemonya, İşbirliği. Aktüel Published, Bursa, 2018, p.230
  • Joseph Nye ve Robert. Keohane, " Transnational Relations and World Politics," International Organization, 1971, p.332 European Commission, Erasmus+ Factsheet. Statistics—European Commission. 2014, Access Date: 1.2.2022
  • Peter Van Ham, “Branding territory: Inside the wonderful worlds of PR and IR theory," Millennium, 31(2), 2002, p.260
  • Milja Kurki ve Colin Wight "International relations and social science." International relations theories: Discipline and diversity,2007, p.25
  • Eytan Gilboa, “Searching for a theory of public diplomacy. The Annals of the American academy of political and social science”, 616(1), 2008, p.68
  • Anna Klyueva ve Katerina Tsetsura, Strategic Aspects of Russia’s Cultural Diplomacy in Europe: Challenges and Opportunities of the 21st Century, PIE Peter Lang, Brussels, 2015, p.127
  • Katherina Avgerinos, “Russia’s public diplomacy effort: What the Kremlin is doing and why it is not working," Journal of public and international affairs, 20(1), 2009, p.118-119
  • Anna Klyueva ve Anna Mikhaylova, "Building the Russian world: Cultural diplomacy of the Russian language and cultural identity," JOMEC Journal, 11, 2017, p.129
  • Michal Wawrzonek, “Ukraine in the “gray zone”: Between the “Russkiy Mir" and Europe. East European Politics and Societies”, 28(04), 2014, p.759
  • Anna Velikaya, Russia's public diplomacy. Greg Simons (Ed.). Springer International Publishing, Berlin, 2020, p.124
  • Greg Simons, Attempting to re-brand the branded: Russia’s international image in the 21st century. Russian Journal of Communication, 4(3-4), 2011, p.338
  • Aslı Yiğit Gülseven, Geçmişten Günümüze Russkiy Mir (Rus Dünyası): Bir Kimlik Projesinden Uluslararası Politikaya. Avrasya Etüdleri, 56(2), 2019, p.41 Ruskiyy Mir Foundation, 2007. Access Date:10.2.2022
  • Stanislav Secrieru, “Russia in the Western Balkans” European Union Institute of Security Studies,2. 2019,p.3-4
  • Dimitar Bechev & Branislav Radeljić, Russia and the Balkans. Russian Analytical Digest (RAD), 226. 2018, p.4
  • Russkiy Mir Foundation/Serbia was studied between 2009-2022. Internet access address: Access Date: 12.2.2022
  • Russkiy Mir Foundation/Greece was studied between 2009-2022. Internet access address: 14.2.2022
  • Ahmet Nafiz Ünalmış,“Yumuşak Gücün Tesis Edilmesinde Kültürel Diplomasinin Önemi ve Bir Uygulayıcı Olarak Yunus Emre Institute” Bilig, (91), 2019 p.138
  • Ayhan Nuri Yılmaz ve Gökmen Kılıçoğlu, Balkanlar’da YTB ve TİKA’nın Türk Kamu Diplomasisi Kurumları Olarak Faaliyetleri ve Türkiye’nin Bölgedeki Yumuşak Gücüne Etkileri. Finans Ekonomi ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2(2), 2017, p.122
  • Ayhan Kaya ve Ayşe Tecmen “The role of common cultural heritage in external promotion of modern Turkey: Yunus Emre Cultural Centres," İstanbul Bilgi University European Institute, 2011, p.7
  • Ahmet Nafiz Ünalmış, “Yumuşak Gücün Tesis Edilmesinde Kültürel Diplomasinin Önemi ve Bir Uygulayıcı Olarak Yunus Emre Institute”, Bilig, (91), 2019, p.147
  • Ayhan Kaya ve Ayşe Tecmen “The role of common cultural heritage in external promotion of modern Turkey: Yunus Emre Cultural Centres," İstanbul Bilgi University European Institute, 2011, p.11-13
  • Yunus Emre Institute 2019 Annual Report, p.11 Access date: 3.3.2022
  • Muharrem Ekşi ve Mehmet Seyfettin Erol, “The rise and fall of Turkish soft power and public diplomacy” Gazi Akademik Bakış, Cilt:11-Sayı:23, 2018, p.32
  • Muharrem Ekşi, “Turkey’s cultural diplomacy and soft power policy towards the Balkans” Karadeniz Araştırmaları, (55), 2017, p. 196-197
  • Muharrem Ekşi, (2015). “AK Parti Döneminde Türkiye’nin Balkanlarda Kamu-Kültürel Diplomasi Aracılığıyla Toplumsal-Kültürel Etkinliğini Artırma Politikası”, I. International Congress of Social Sciences Researches, Denizli, 2015, p.722
  • Yunus Emre Institute 2019 Annual Report,, p. 14, Accessed Date: 11.3.22022
  • Yunus Emre Institute Sarajevo Turkish cultural center activity, “The book of Bosnia-Herzegovina in Ottoman Documents was introduced in Sarajevo," 26.05.2017, Herzegovina-book-promotion-delivered-in-Sarajevo Access Date: 17.2.2022
  • Yunus Emre Institute Sarajevo Turkish cultural center activity, “Traditional Turkish Music and Bosnia-Herzegovina Folklore” Concert in Sarajevo, 30.10.2017, Turk-music-ve-Bosnia-Herzegovina-folklore-concert Accessed: 19.2.2022
  • Yunus Emre Institute Foynitsa Turkish cultural center activity, “The Messages of Ahidnâme” Book Launched in Sarajevo, 15.05.2018, -introduced Access date: 19.2.2022
  • Yunus Emre Institute Sarajevo Turkish cultural center activity, “Common Dictionary of Words of Turkish Origin in Balkan Languages Introduced," 18.6.2018, words-dictionary-introduced Accessed on: 20.2.2022
  • Yunus Emre Institute Mostar Turkish cultural center activity, “2021 Online Turkish Speaking Club Started” 2.3.2021, started Access date: 20.2.2022
  • Yunus Emre Institute Bosnia-Herzegovina Turkish cultural centers activity numbers, between 2009-2021, / Access date: 21.2.2022
  • Yunus Emre Institute Skopje Turkish cultural center activity, “The Cultural Effects of the Ottoman Empire in Macedonia Exhibition," was held for the second time” 15.10.2015, effects-exhibition-second-realized Access Date: 16.2.2022
  • Yunus Emre Institute Skopje Turkish cultural center activity, “Oral Folk Products: Similarities in Macedonian and Turkish Idioms and Proverbs” Panel in Skopje” products-Macedon-and-Turk-idioms-and-similars-in-parents-panel Access Date: 17.2.2022
  • Yunus Emre Institute Skopje Turkish cultural center activity, "Night of Respect" in Macedonia, 20.02.2018 Access Date: 19.2.2022
  • Yunus Emre Institute Skopje Turkish cultural center activity, “Turkish Pronunciation and Sensation Workshop” Held in Skopje” 16.11.2020, -workshop-edited Access Date: 19.2.2022
  • Yunus Emre Institute Macedonia Turkish cultural center activities, between 2010-2021, Access Date:20.2.2022
  • Yunus Emre Institute 2019 Annual Report,, p. 14, Accessed on: 20.2.2022
  • Yunus Emre Institute Prizren Turkish cultural center activity, “The sixth Turkish Jazz Week was held in Kosovo," 24.05.2017, sixth-done Access Date:20.2.2022
  • Yunus Emre Institute Prizren Turkish cultural center activity, “Yunus Emre Institute organizes “Turkish Cinema Summer School” in Istanbul for 23 young filmmaker candidates from 20 countries”, 4.8.2018, /news/Yunus-Emre-institutes-20-ulkeden-23-genc-sinemaci-adayi-icin-istanbulda-Turk-sinemasi-summer-school Access Date:21.2.2022
  • Yunus Emre Institute İpek Türk cultural center activity, “Introducing Silk Book in Ottoman Documents," 6.5.2019, Access Date:21.2.2022.
  • Yunus Emre Institute İpek Türk cultural center activity, “Digital Commemoration Program for Honorary Kaya," 2.4.2020 Access Date:21.2.2022
  • Yunus Emre Institute Kosovo Turkish cultural center activities, between 2011-2021, / / https://ipek.yee Access Date: 21.2.2022
  • Yunus Emre Institute 2014 Annual Report,, Access Date: 21.2.2022
There are 56 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects International Relations
Journal Section Research Articles

Mehmet Ali Ak 0000-0003-1377-055X

Publication Date March 28, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 11 Issue: 1


APA Ak, M. A. (2023). Comparative Analysis of Turkey and Russia’s Public Diplomacy on the Balkans (Example of the Russian World Foundation and Yunus Emre Institute). Marmara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilimler Dergisi, 11(1), 1-22.