Research Article
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Actual Situation of Institutions Working in the Field of Bilingualism / Multilingualism in the World

Year 2023, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 154 - 175, 17.12.2023


This study aims to determine the current state of bilingualism/multilingualism institutions around the world in terms of quality and quantity. In the study, which was structured on the basis of the concept of bilingual/multilingual education research and practices, document analysis from qualitative research data collection tools and content analysis from data analysis types were used. Within the scope of the study, 593 institutions from 100 countries were reached and these institutions were classified according to the continents and countries they are located in. The objectives, fields of activity and status of the identified institutions and organisations were determined. In order to limit the study, preschool, primary and secondary private schools and public schools providing bilingualism/multilingualism education were not included in the study. Summer Institute of Linguistics, Global Civil Society Databes and Union of International Associations, Ethnologue and UNESCO databases were utilised in the data collection process. The findings were quantified in Excel and visualised in Mapchart. The focus study topics of the identified institutions were determined, coding was made by ensuring the unity of author and expert opinion and 7 themes were reached. According to the research context, existing institutions focus on heritage language education, intercultural communication, bilingual/multilingual education for children, language psychology, training of trainers, second language acquisition and migrant-refugee education. It has been found that the number of institutions conducting bilingualism/multilingualism research has increased especially in European and Asian countries, but not in sufficient numbers in African countries.


  • Baker, C. (2011). Foundations of bilingual education and bilingualism (5th ed.). Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
  • Bale, J. (2010). Arabic as a heritage language in the United States. International Multilingual Research Journal, 4:2, 125-151,
  • Bhatia, Tej K. & Ritchie, William C. (2013). Social and psychological factors in language mixing. İçinde Tej K. Bhatia & William C. Ritchie (Eds.), The handbook of bilingualism and multilingualism (2nd Edition). Wiley-Blackwell: UK.
  • Bialystok, E. (2018). Bilingual education for young children: Review of the effects and consequences. Int. J. Biling. Educ. Biling. 2, 666–679.
  • Butler, Y. G. (2013). Bilingualism/multilingualism and second language acquistion. İçinde Tej K. Bhatia & William C. Ritchie (Eds.), The handbook of bilingualism and multilingualism (2nd Edition). Wiley-Blackwell: UK.
  • Buttaro, L. (2014). Effective bilingual education models. Rev. franç. de linguistique appliquée, XIX-2 (29-40).
  • Ceyhan, Ayan M. & Koçbaş, D. (2009). Çiftdillilik ve eğitim. Eğitim Reformu Girişimi Sabancı Üniversitesi Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Coleman, J. (2006). English-medium teaching in European higher education. Lang. Teach. 39, 1–14.
  • Collier, V. & Thomas, W. P. (2017). Validating the power of bilingual schooling: Thirty-two years of large-scale, longitudinal research. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 37, 203–217.
  • Council of Europe (2001). Common European framework of reference for languages: Learning, teaching, assessment. Strasbourg: Language Policy Division/Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.
  • Cummins, J. (1979). Linguistic interdependence and the educational development of bilingual children. Review of Educational Research, 49(2), 222–251.
  • Cummins, J. (1976). The influence of bilingualism on cognitive growth: A synthesis of research findings and explanatory hypotheses. Working Papers on Bilingualism No. 9, 1-43.
  • Cummins, J. (1981). The role of primary language development in promoting educational success for language minority students. İçinde Schooling and language minority students: A theoretical framework (ss. 3-51). Los Angeles: California State University, Evaluation, Dissemination, and Assessment Center.
  • Cummins, J. (2013). Bilingual education and content and language integrated learning (CLIL): Research and its classroom implications. Rev. Padres Y Maest. Journal of Parents and Teachers. 349, 6–10.
  • Dewaele, J. M. (2010). Emotions in multiple languages. Palgrave Macmillan: UK.
  • Duff, P. (2015). Transnationalism, multilingualism, and identity. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 35, 57-80.
  • Eberhard, David M., Gary F. Simons, & Charles D. Fennig (Eds.). (2023). Ethnologue: languages of the world. (26th edition). Dallas, Texas: SIL International.
  • Edwards, J. (2013). Bilingualism and multilingualism: Some central concepts. İçinde Tej K. Bhatia & William C. Ritchie (Eds.), The handbook of bilingualism and multilingualism (2nd Edition). Wiley-Blackwell: UK.
  • Freeman, R. (1998). Bilingual education and social change. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
  • Garcia, O. (2009). Bilingual education in the 21st century: A global perspective. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Garcia, O. & Tupas, R. (2009). Doing and undoing bilingualism in education. İçinde Annick De Houwer & Lourdes Ortega (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of bilingualism. Cambridge University Press:UK.
  • García, O., & Lin, A. (2019). Multilingual approaches for teaching and learning: From acknowledging to capitalizing on multilingualism in European mainstream education. Multilingual Matters.
  • Gass, S. (2015). Second language acquisition and bilingualism: A research agenda for the 21st century. Language Teaching, 48(4), 503-520.
  • González, Josu é M. (2008). Introduction. İçinde Josué M. González (ed.), Encyclopedia of bilingual education. Vol. 1. (ss. 25-27). Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage.
  • Grin, F. (2019). The economics of bilingualism. İçinde Annick De Houwer & Lourdes Ortega (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of bilingualism. Cambridge University Press:UK.
  • Grosjean, F. (2010). Bilingual: Life and reality. Cambridge, MA : Harvard University Press
  • Han, Y., Liu, Y., Lei, Z., Zhang, Z., & He, Y., (2022). Laser induced single event upset (seu) testing of commercial memory devices with embedded error correction codes (ECC). J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 1(2395), 012015.
  • Haznedar, B. (2021). İkidillilik ve çokdillilik: Erken çocukluk döneminde birden fazla dil öğrenimi. Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Hornberger, N. (1999). Maintaining and revitalising indigenous languages in Latin America: State planning vs. grassroots initiatives. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 2 (3): 159 – 65.
  • Hornberger, N. (1991). Extending enrichment bilingual education: Revisiting typologies andredirecting policy. İçinde O. García (Ed.), Bilingual education. Focusschrift in honor of Joshua A. Fishman. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • İnal, E. & Çakır, M. (2021). Okul öncesi eğitim sürecinde ikinci dil edinimi. İçinde İ.Güleç, B.İnce ve H.N. Demiriz (Editörler), İkidillilik ve ikidilli çocukların eğitimi (ss.135-176). İstanbul: Kesit Yayınları
  • Dockrell, J. E., Papadopoulos, T. C., Mifsud, C. L., Bourke, L., Soler-Vilageliu, O., Bešić, E., Seifert, S., Gasteiger-Klicpera, B., Ralli, A., Dimakos, I., Karpava, S., Martins, M., Sousa, O., Castro, S., Knudsen, H., Donau, P., Haznedar, B., Mikulajová, M., & Gerdzhikova, N. (2020). Teaching and learning in a multilingual Europe: findings from a cross-European study. European Journal of Psychology of Education. 37, ss. 293–320.
  • Jo, H.Y. (2001). 'Heritage' language learning and ethnic identity: Korean Americans' struggle with language authorities. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 14:1, 26-41,
  • Juan-Garau, M., & Lyster, R. (2018). Becoming bilingual through additive immersive programs. İçinde Annick De Houwer & Lourdes Ortega (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of bilingualism (ss. 213-232) Cambridge University Press:UK.
  • King, L. (2018). The impact of multilingualism on global education and language learning. Cambridge Assesment English. UK: Cambridge.
  • Lambert, W. E. (1974). Culture and language as factors in learning and education. İçinde F. E. Aboud & R. D. Meade (Eds.), Cultural factors in learning and education (ss. 91–122). Bellingham, WA: 5th Western Washington Symposium on Learning.
  • Mackey, William F. (2013). Bilingualism and multilingualism in North America. İçinde Tej K. Bhatia & William C. Ritchie (Eds.), The handbook of bilingualism and multilingualism (2nd Edition). Wiley-Blackwell: UK.
  • Mammou P., Maligkoudi C., & Gogonas N. (2023). Enhancing L2 learning in a class of unaccompanied minor refugee students through translanguaging pedagogy, International Multilingual Research Journal, 17:2, 139-156,
  • Marian, V., & Shook, A. (2012). The cognitive benefits of being bilingual. Cerebrum : the Dana forum on brain science, 13.
  • May, S. (2017). Bilingual education: What the research tells us. İçinde García, O., Lin, A., May, S. (Eds.), Bilingual and multilingual education. Encyclopedia of language and education. Springer, Cham.
  • May, S., & Dam, L. (2014). Bilingual education and bilingualism. Oxford Bibliographies. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • May, S., & Hill, R. (2005). Māori-medium education: Current issues and challenges. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 8(5), 377–403.
  • Miles, B.M., Huberman, M.A. & Saldana, J. (2014). Qualitative data analysis: a methods sourcebook. Arizona State University Third edition. California: SAGE Publications.
  • Muñoz, C., & Spada, N. (2018). Foreign language learning from early childhood to young adulthood. İçinde Annick De Houwer & Lourdes Ortega (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of bilingualism (ss. 223-249) Cambridge University Press:UK.
  • Oskaar, E. (1992). Intercultural communication in multilingual settings. International Journal of Applied Linguistics. (2),1. Pages. 3-16.
  • Saini, A. (2012). London's olympic drug testing lab to become National Phenome Center. Science, 6094 (337), 513-513.
  • Sánchez-Pérez, M. del M., & Manzano-Agugliaro, F. (2021). Worldwide trends in bilingual education research: a half-century overview. Education Sciences, 11(11), 730.
  • Saydı, T. (2013). Avrupa Birliği vizyonuyla ikidillilik, çokdillilik ve eğitimi. Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi (6), 28. s.269-283.
  • Strauss, A. & Corbin, J. (1990). Basics of qualitative research: Grounded theory procedures and techniques. Newbury Park, Sage.
  • Tong, F. (2018). Second language acquisition and bilingualism: Current developments and future directions. Foreign Language Annals, 51(1), 187-205.
  • Trisnawati, K. I. (2017). Maintaining the identity of bilingual individuals in multicultural/multilingual settings. Englisia Journal 5(1) s.8-16.
  • United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) (2020). Refugee and migrant response in Europe: Consolidated emergency report. Europe and Central Asia Regional Office.
  • Valdés, G. (2005). Bilingualism, heritage language learners, and SLA research: Opportunities lost or seized? The Modern Language Journal, 89(3), 410–426.
  • Wodak, R., & Boukala, S. (2015). (Supra)national identity and language: Rethinking national and European migration policies and the linguistic integration of migrants. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 35, 253-273.
  • Wright, Wayne E. (2013). Bilingual education. İçinde Tej K. Bhatia & William C. Ritchie (Eds.), The handbook of bilingualism and multilingualism (2nd Edition). Wiley-Blackwell: UK.
  • Yıldırım, A. & Şimşek H. (2018). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Yu, Victor L., Maeda, K., Small, & Peter M. (2001). User's guide to tuberculosis resources on the internet. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 11(32), 1580-1588.

Dünyada İkidillilik/Çokdillilik Alanında Çalışan Kurumların Güncel Durumu

Year 2023, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 154 - 175, 17.12.2023


Bu çalışma; dünya genelinde ikidillilik/çokdillilik üzerine çalışan kurumların nitelik ve nicelik bakımından güncel durumunu tespit etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. İkidilli/çokdilli eğitim araştırmaları ve uygulamaları kavramı temel alınarak yapılandırılan çalışmada nitel araştırma veri toplama araçlarından doküman incelemesi, veri analizi türlerinden içerik analizi kullanılmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında 100 ülkeden 593 kuruma ulaşılmış, bu kurumlar bulundukları kıta ve ülkelere göre sınıflandırılmıştır. Tespit edilen kurum ve kuruluşların amaçları, faaliyet alanları ve statüleri belirlenmiştir. Araştırmaya sınırlılık getirmek amacıyla çalışmaya ikidillilik/çokdillilik eğitimi veren okul öncesi, ilk ve orta kademedeki özel okullar ve devlet okulları dahil edilmemiştir. Veri toplama sürecinde Summer Institute of Linguistics, Global Civil Society Databes, Union of International Associations, Ethnologue ve UNESCO veri tabanlarından yararlanılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular Excel programında sayısallaştırılmış ve Mapchart programında görselleştirilmiştir. Tespit edilen kurumların odak çalışma konuları belirlenmiş, yazar ve uzman görüşü-birliği sağlanarak kodlamalar yapılmış ve 7 adet temaya ulaşılmıştır. Mevcut kurumların araştırma bağlamına göre miras dil eğitimi, kültürlerarası iletişim, çocuklarda ikidilli/çokdilli eğitim, dil psikolojisi, eğitici eğitimi, ikinci dil edinimi ve göçmen-mülteci eğitimi alanlarına odaklandıkları görülmüştür. İkidillilik/çokdillilik araştırmaları yapan kurumların özellikle Avrupa ve Asya ülkelerinde sayısının arttığı fakat Afrika ülkelerinde yeterli sayıda bulunmadığı tespit edilmiştir.


  • Baker, C. (2011). Foundations of bilingual education and bilingualism (5th ed.). Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
  • Bale, J. (2010). Arabic as a heritage language in the United States. International Multilingual Research Journal, 4:2, 125-151,
  • Bhatia, Tej K. & Ritchie, William C. (2013). Social and psychological factors in language mixing. İçinde Tej K. Bhatia & William C. Ritchie (Eds.), The handbook of bilingualism and multilingualism (2nd Edition). Wiley-Blackwell: UK.
  • Bialystok, E. (2018). Bilingual education for young children: Review of the effects and consequences. Int. J. Biling. Educ. Biling. 2, 666–679.
  • Butler, Y. G. (2013). Bilingualism/multilingualism and second language acquistion. İçinde Tej K. Bhatia & William C. Ritchie (Eds.), The handbook of bilingualism and multilingualism (2nd Edition). Wiley-Blackwell: UK.
  • Buttaro, L. (2014). Effective bilingual education models. Rev. franç. de linguistique appliquée, XIX-2 (29-40).
  • Ceyhan, Ayan M. & Koçbaş, D. (2009). Çiftdillilik ve eğitim. Eğitim Reformu Girişimi Sabancı Üniversitesi Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Coleman, J. (2006). English-medium teaching in European higher education. Lang. Teach. 39, 1–14.
  • Collier, V. & Thomas, W. P. (2017). Validating the power of bilingual schooling: Thirty-two years of large-scale, longitudinal research. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 37, 203–217.
  • Council of Europe (2001). Common European framework of reference for languages: Learning, teaching, assessment. Strasbourg: Language Policy Division/Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.
  • Cummins, J. (1979). Linguistic interdependence and the educational development of bilingual children. Review of Educational Research, 49(2), 222–251.
  • Cummins, J. (1976). The influence of bilingualism on cognitive growth: A synthesis of research findings and explanatory hypotheses. Working Papers on Bilingualism No. 9, 1-43.
  • Cummins, J. (1981). The role of primary language development in promoting educational success for language minority students. İçinde Schooling and language minority students: A theoretical framework (ss. 3-51). Los Angeles: California State University, Evaluation, Dissemination, and Assessment Center.
  • Cummins, J. (2013). Bilingual education and content and language integrated learning (CLIL): Research and its classroom implications. Rev. Padres Y Maest. Journal of Parents and Teachers. 349, 6–10.
  • Dewaele, J. M. (2010). Emotions in multiple languages. Palgrave Macmillan: UK.
  • Duff, P. (2015). Transnationalism, multilingualism, and identity. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 35, 57-80.
  • Eberhard, David M., Gary F. Simons, & Charles D. Fennig (Eds.). (2023). Ethnologue: languages of the world. (26th edition). Dallas, Texas: SIL International.
  • Edwards, J. (2013). Bilingualism and multilingualism: Some central concepts. İçinde Tej K. Bhatia & William C. Ritchie (Eds.), The handbook of bilingualism and multilingualism (2nd Edition). Wiley-Blackwell: UK.
  • Freeman, R. (1998). Bilingual education and social change. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
  • Garcia, O. (2009). Bilingual education in the 21st century: A global perspective. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Garcia, O. & Tupas, R. (2009). Doing and undoing bilingualism in education. İçinde Annick De Houwer & Lourdes Ortega (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of bilingualism. Cambridge University Press:UK.
  • García, O., & Lin, A. (2019). Multilingual approaches for teaching and learning: From acknowledging to capitalizing on multilingualism in European mainstream education. Multilingual Matters.
  • Gass, S. (2015). Second language acquisition and bilingualism: A research agenda for the 21st century. Language Teaching, 48(4), 503-520.
  • González, Josu é M. (2008). Introduction. İçinde Josué M. González (ed.), Encyclopedia of bilingual education. Vol. 1. (ss. 25-27). Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage.
  • Grin, F. (2019). The economics of bilingualism. İçinde Annick De Houwer & Lourdes Ortega (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of bilingualism. Cambridge University Press:UK.
  • Grosjean, F. (2010). Bilingual: Life and reality. Cambridge, MA : Harvard University Press
  • Han, Y., Liu, Y., Lei, Z., Zhang, Z., & He, Y., (2022). Laser induced single event upset (seu) testing of commercial memory devices with embedded error correction codes (ECC). J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 1(2395), 012015.
  • Haznedar, B. (2021). İkidillilik ve çokdillilik: Erken çocukluk döneminde birden fazla dil öğrenimi. Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Hornberger, N. (1999). Maintaining and revitalising indigenous languages in Latin America: State planning vs. grassroots initiatives. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 2 (3): 159 – 65.
  • Hornberger, N. (1991). Extending enrichment bilingual education: Revisiting typologies andredirecting policy. İçinde O. García (Ed.), Bilingual education. Focusschrift in honor of Joshua A. Fishman. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • İnal, E. & Çakır, M. (2021). Okul öncesi eğitim sürecinde ikinci dil edinimi. İçinde İ.Güleç, B.İnce ve H.N. Demiriz (Editörler), İkidillilik ve ikidilli çocukların eğitimi (ss.135-176). İstanbul: Kesit Yayınları
  • Dockrell, J. E., Papadopoulos, T. C., Mifsud, C. L., Bourke, L., Soler-Vilageliu, O., Bešić, E., Seifert, S., Gasteiger-Klicpera, B., Ralli, A., Dimakos, I., Karpava, S., Martins, M., Sousa, O., Castro, S., Knudsen, H., Donau, P., Haznedar, B., Mikulajová, M., & Gerdzhikova, N. (2020). Teaching and learning in a multilingual Europe: findings from a cross-European study. European Journal of Psychology of Education. 37, ss. 293–320.
  • Jo, H.Y. (2001). 'Heritage' language learning and ethnic identity: Korean Americans' struggle with language authorities. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 14:1, 26-41,
  • Juan-Garau, M., & Lyster, R. (2018). Becoming bilingual through additive immersive programs. İçinde Annick De Houwer & Lourdes Ortega (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of bilingualism (ss. 213-232) Cambridge University Press:UK.
  • King, L. (2018). The impact of multilingualism on global education and language learning. Cambridge Assesment English. UK: Cambridge.
  • Lambert, W. E. (1974). Culture and language as factors in learning and education. İçinde F. E. Aboud & R. D. Meade (Eds.), Cultural factors in learning and education (ss. 91–122). Bellingham, WA: 5th Western Washington Symposium on Learning.
  • Mackey, William F. (2013). Bilingualism and multilingualism in North America. İçinde Tej K. Bhatia & William C. Ritchie (Eds.), The handbook of bilingualism and multilingualism (2nd Edition). Wiley-Blackwell: UK.
  • Mammou P., Maligkoudi C., & Gogonas N. (2023). Enhancing L2 learning in a class of unaccompanied minor refugee students through translanguaging pedagogy, International Multilingual Research Journal, 17:2, 139-156,
  • Marian, V., & Shook, A. (2012). The cognitive benefits of being bilingual. Cerebrum : the Dana forum on brain science, 13.
  • May, S. (2017). Bilingual education: What the research tells us. İçinde García, O., Lin, A., May, S. (Eds.), Bilingual and multilingual education. Encyclopedia of language and education. Springer, Cham.
  • May, S., & Dam, L. (2014). Bilingual education and bilingualism. Oxford Bibliographies. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • May, S., & Hill, R. (2005). Māori-medium education: Current issues and challenges. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 8(5), 377–403.
  • Miles, B.M., Huberman, M.A. & Saldana, J. (2014). Qualitative data analysis: a methods sourcebook. Arizona State University Third edition. California: SAGE Publications.
  • Muñoz, C., & Spada, N. (2018). Foreign language learning from early childhood to young adulthood. İçinde Annick De Houwer & Lourdes Ortega (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of bilingualism (ss. 223-249) Cambridge University Press:UK.
  • Oskaar, E. (1992). Intercultural communication in multilingual settings. International Journal of Applied Linguistics. (2),1. Pages. 3-16.
  • Saini, A. (2012). London's olympic drug testing lab to become National Phenome Center. Science, 6094 (337), 513-513.
  • Sánchez-Pérez, M. del M., & Manzano-Agugliaro, F. (2021). Worldwide trends in bilingual education research: a half-century overview. Education Sciences, 11(11), 730.
  • Saydı, T. (2013). Avrupa Birliği vizyonuyla ikidillilik, çokdillilik ve eğitimi. Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi (6), 28. s.269-283.
  • Strauss, A. & Corbin, J. (1990). Basics of qualitative research: Grounded theory procedures and techniques. Newbury Park, Sage.
  • Tong, F. (2018). Second language acquisition and bilingualism: Current developments and future directions. Foreign Language Annals, 51(1), 187-205.
  • Trisnawati, K. I. (2017). Maintaining the identity of bilingual individuals in multicultural/multilingual settings. Englisia Journal 5(1) s.8-16.
  • United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) (2020). Refugee and migrant response in Europe: Consolidated emergency report. Europe and Central Asia Regional Office.
  • Valdés, G. (2005). Bilingualism, heritage language learners, and SLA research: Opportunities lost or seized? The Modern Language Journal, 89(3), 410–426.
  • Wodak, R., & Boukala, S. (2015). (Supra)national identity and language: Rethinking national and European migration policies and the linguistic integration of migrants. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 35, 253-273.
  • Wright, Wayne E. (2013). Bilingual education. İçinde Tej K. Bhatia & William C. Ritchie (Eds.), The handbook of bilingualism and multilingualism (2nd Edition). Wiley-Blackwell: UK.
  • Yıldırım, A. & Şimşek H. (2018). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Yu, Victor L., Maeda, K., Small, & Peter M. (2001). User's guide to tuberculosis resources on the internet. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 11(32), 1580-1588.
There are 58 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects World Languages, Literature and Culture (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Burak Sözer 0000-0002-1313-4900

Ezgi İnal 0000-0002-1573-9401

Early Pub Date December 17, 2023
Publication Date December 17, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 10 Issue: 2


APA Sözer, B., & İnal, E. (2023). Actual Situation of Institutions Working in the Field of Bilingualism / Multilingualism in the World. Turkophone, 10(2), 154-175.

TURKOPHONE | 2014 |  ISSN: 2148-6808

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