Research Article
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İnsansız Hava Araçları (İHA) ve Türkiye

Year 2023, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 114 - 134, 30.10.2023


Türkiye’nin keşif, istihbarat ve askeri operasyonlarda artan bir şekilde yerli üretim İnsansız Hava Araçları (İHA) kullanımı dikkatleri üzerine çekmektedir. Türkiye’nin etkili bir şekilde kullanmaya başladığı İHA’lar bir dışpolitika ve güvenlik politikası argümanı haline gelmiştir ve üçüncü ülkelere artan bir şekilde satılmaya başlanmıştır. Satışı yapılan bu İHA’lar bölgesel güç dengelerinin değişmesinde de etkili olmaktadır. İHA’ların gelişen teknolojik altyapısı bu araçların Türkiye’nin teknolojik gelişmesi ve kendi kendine yeterliliğinin de sembolü olarak kullanması ve siyasi bir prestij kaynağı haline getirmesine de imkan vemiştir. İHA’ların savaş alanındaki kullanımı, özellikle Karabağ Savaşı’nda, sağladıkları askeri avantaj ve faydanın görünür olmasına yardımcı olmuştur. Bu da Türkiye’nin askeri stratejisini etkilemiş ve değiştirmiş, yeni şartlara adapte olmasını sağlamıştır. İHA’lar, ilk kullanımlarından kısa bir süre sonra silahlandırılmıştır ve 2016 yılından bu yana ülke içindeki, Suriye ve Irak’taki terör hedeflerine karşı kullanılmaya devam edilmektedir. İHA’ların askeri amaçların yanında dışpolitika amaçlarının gerçekleştirilmesinde araç olarak kullanılması, Türkiye’nin hem askeri kabiliyetleri hem de yumuşak gücünde bir artışa sebep olmuş, bölgesel bir güç olarak daha ön plana çıkmasını sağlamıştır.

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Project Number



  • Axe, David. “Turkey Is The Middle East’s Newest Drone Super Power”, National Interest, (27.05.2023).
  • Bagci, Huseyin and Kurc, Caglar. “Turkey’s Strategic Choice: Buy Or Make Weapons?”, Defence Studies 17, no.1 (2017): 38-62.
  • Bekdil, Burak Ege. “Turkey’s TAI Sells Six Anka-S Drones To Tunisia,” Defence News, (erişim 15.05.2023).
  • Bekdil, Burak. The Rise And Rise Of Turkish Drone Technology, Perspectives Paper No.1992. Ramat Gan: The Begin- Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (BESA) Center, Bar-Ilan University, 2021.
  • Beraud-Sudreau, Lucie, da Silva, Diego Lopes, Kuimova, Alexandra and Wezeman, Pieter D. Emerging Suppliers In The Global Arms Trade, Insights On Peace and Security, Stockholm: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIRPI), 2020.
  • Bisht, Inder Singh. “UAE Negotiating $ 2B Bayraktar Drone Purchase With Turkey: Report”, The Defense Post, (erişim 02.06.2023).
  • Borsari, Federico. “Turkey’s Drone Diplomacy: Lessons for Europe”, European Council on Foreign Relations, (erişim 29.05.2023).
  • Boyle, Michael, J. “The Costs and Consequences Of Drone Warfare”, International Affairs 89 no. 1 (2013): 1-29. Brooks, Rosa. “Drones And International Rule Of Law”, Journal of Ethics and International Affairs 28, no. 1 (2014): 83-104.
  • Cagaptay, Soner and Outzen, Rich. “Drones And Resets, The New Era of Turkish Foreign Policy”, Baku Dialogues 5, no. 4, (2022): 52-67.
  • Canlı, Enes. “Hafter Milisleri Sahil Kenti Sirte’yi Ele Geçirdi”, Anadolu Ajansı, (erişim 15.05.2023).
  • Cannon, Brendon J. (2023). “The Arab States and the Karabakh War” içinde M. Hakan Yavuz and Michael M. Gunter (eds.). The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict: Historical And Political Perspectives, New York: Routledge, 2023, 402-419.
  • Charpentrau, Clement. “Ukraine Flies Its First Turkish-made Armed Drone Over Donbas”, Aerotime Hub, (erişim 25.05.2023).
  • Crino, Scott and Dreby, Andy. “Turkey’s Drone War in Syria-A Red Team View,” Small Wars Journal, (erişim 17.05.2023).
  • Cuka, Fajton. “Arnavutluk, Bayraktar TB2 SİHA Filosu Alım Antlaşması İmzaladı,” Anadolu Ajansı, (erişim 27.05.2923).
  • Delalande, Arnaud. “Libya: Drones Test Laboratory For A New Type Of Air Warfare”, Air&Cosmos International, (erişim 27.05.2023).
  • Demir, Kadir Alpaslan, Cicibas, Halil, and Arica, Nafiz. “Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Domain: Areas Of Research”, Defence Science Journal 65, no. 4 (2015): 319-329.
  • Dixon, Robyn. “Azerbaijan’s Drones Owned The Battlefield In Nagorno-Karabakh-And Showed Future Of Warfare,” Washington Post, (erişim 15.05.2023).
  • Doğan, Burak. “Bayraktar İçin Yapılan Şarkı Herkesin Dilinde: Şarkıyı İki Saatte Yazdım”, Yeni Şafak, (erişim 17.05.2023).
  • Donelli, Federico. “The Ankara Consensus: The Significance Of Turkey’s Engagement In Sub-Saharan Africa”, Global Change, Peace & Security 30, no. 1 (2018): 57-76.
  • Donelli, Federico and Cannon, Brendon J. “Power Projection Of Middle East States In The Horn Of Africa: Linking Security Burdens With Capabilities”, Small Wars and Insurgencies, (2021): 1-22.
  • Ehrhard, Thomas P. Air Force UAV’s: The Secret History, Arlington VA: Mitchell Institute Press, 2011.
  • Erickson, Edward J. “Turkey As Regional Hegemon-2014: Strategic Implications For The United States”, Turkish Studies 5, no. 3, (2004): 25-45.
  • Fahim, Kareem. “Turkey’s Military Campaign Beyond Its Borders Is Powered By Homemade Armed Drones”, Washington Post, (erişim 02.06.2023).
  • Farrell, Theo. “Improving In War: Military Adaptation And The British In Helmand Province, Afghanistan, 2006-2009”, Journal of Strategic Studies 33, no. 4, (2010): 567-594.
  • Fukuyama, Francis. “Droning On In The Middle East”, American Purpose, (erişim 11.06.2023).
  • Gall, Carlotta. “Airstrike Hits Turkish Forces in Syria, Raising Fears of Escalation”, New York Times, (erişim 15.06.2023).
  • Gatopoulos, Derek and Fraser, Suzan. “Cheap, Lethal Turkish Drones Surprisingly Effective At Bolstering Ukraine’s Defences”, The Times of Israel, (erişim 17.05.2023).
  • Gosselin-Malo, Elisabeth. “Turkey Modern Way Of Doing Foreign Policy: Drone Diplomacy”, Aspenia Online, (erişim 02.06.2023).
  • Hız, Hasan. “Koral, SİHA ve F-16lar: Rus Yapımı Hava Savunma Sistemlerinin Kâbusu Oldular”, Yeni Şafak, (erişim 05.06.2023).
  • Jakoubek, Christopher. “Turkish ‘Drone’ Diplomacy”, Security Outlines, (erişim 12.06.2023).
  • Jennings, Gareth. “Turkmenistan Confirmed As A Bayraktar TB2 UAS Customer”, Janes, (erişim 17.07.2023).
  • Karppi, Tero, Böhlen, Mark and Granata, Yvette. “Killer Robots as Cultural Techniques”, International Journal of Cultural Studies 21, no. 2, (2016): 107-123.
  • Kasapoğlu, Can ve Kırdemir, Barış. The Rising Drone Power: Turkey On the Eve Of Its Military Breakthrough, New York: Centre for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies (EDAM), 2018.
  • Kasapoğlu, Can. “Türk Harp Yaklaşımında ‘Dronizasyon’ Dönemi: Azerbaycan, Türkiye’nin Orta Doğu’daki SİHA Konseptlerini Kafkasya’ya Taşıdı”, Ekonomik ve Dışpolitika Araştırmaları Merkezi (EDAM), (erişim 05.06.2023)
  • Kasapoğlu, Can. ”Turkish Drone Strategy in The Black Sea Region And Beyond,” The Jamestown Foundation, (erişim 27.05.2023).
  • Kasapoğlu, Can and Özkaraşahin, Sine. Drone Warfare, Drone Wars, Defense Economics And Turkey’s Way, İstanbul: Centre for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies, 2022.
  • Kinsella, David. “Arms Transfer Dependence And Foreign Policy Conflict”, Journal of Peace Research 35, no. 1 (1998): 7-23.
  • Konert, Anna and Balcerzak, Tomasz. (2021). “Military Autonomous Drones (UAVs)-From Fantasy To Reality. Legal And Ethical Implications” içinde Anna Tomova and Doris Novak (eds). 10th International Conference On Air Transport-Inair 2021, Towards Aviation Revival. Transportation Research Procedia 59, 2021, 292–299.
  • Kurç, Çağlar. “Between Defence Autarky And Dependency: The Dynamics Of Turkish Defence Industrialization”, Defence Studies 17, no. 3, (2017): 260-281.
  • Lister, Charles. “Freeze And Build: A Strategic Approach To Syria Policy”, MEI Policy Memo, (erişim 15.05.2023).
  • Livanios, Dimitris. “The ‘Sick Man’ Paradox: History, Rhetoric And The ‘European Character’ Of Turkey”, Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans 8, no. 3, (2006): 299-311.
  • Marcus, Raphael D. “Learning ‘Under Fire’: Israel’s Improvised Military Adaptation To Hamas Tunnel Warfare”, Journal of Strategic Studies 42, no. 3-4, (2019): 344-370.
  • Mendes, Cristiano and Junqueira, Karina. “Drones, Warfare And The Deconstruction Of The Enemy”, Contexto Internacional 42, no. 2, (2020): 237-256.
  • Milan, Francesco F. and Tabrizi, Aniseh Bassiri. “Armed, Unmanned, And In High Demand: The Drivers Behind Combat Drones Proliferation In The Middle East”, Small Wars & Insurgencies 31, no. 4, (2020): 730-750.
  • Mitzer Stijn ve Oliemans, Joost. “Morocco’s Bayraktar TB2 UCAVs Break Cover”, Oryx, (erişim 12.05.2023).
  • Mizokami, Kyle. “For The First Time, Drones Autonomously Attacked Humans. This Is A Turning Point”, Popular Mechanics, (erişim 17.05.2023).
  • Neset, Siri, Aydın, Mustafa, Balta, Evren, Ataç, Kaan Kutlu, Dikici Bilgin, Hasret ve Strand, Arne. Turkey As a Regional Security Actor In The Blacksea, The Mediterranean And The Levant Region Report No. 2, Bergen, Norveç: Chr Michelsen Institute (CMI), 2021.
  • Outzen, Rich. Deals, Drones, And National Will: The New Era In Turkish Power Projection, Washington: Washington Institute For Nearest Policy, Policy Notes No. 108, 2021. Özçelik, Necdet. “Askeri Harekâtların Kuvvet Çarpanı: İnsansız Hava Araçları”, Anadolu Ajansı, (erişim 02.06.2023).
  • Plaw, Avery. Targeting Terrorists, A Licence To Kill?, Cornwall: Ashgate, 2008. “Poland To Become First NATO Country To Buy Turkish Drones”, Alarabia News, (erişim 12.05.2023).
  • Rinehart, Christine Sixta. “Sharing Security In An Era Of International Cooperation: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles And United States’ Air Force”, Defense and Security Analysis 33, no. 1, (2017): 45-56.
  • Rossiter, Ash. “Drone Usage By Militant Groups, Exploring Variation In Adoption”, Defense and Security Analysis 34, no. 2, (2018): 113-126.
  • Rossiter, Ash and Cannon, Brendon J. “Turkey’s Rise As A Drone Power: Trial By Fire”, Defence & Security Analysis 38, no. 2, (2022): 210-229.
  • “Russia Complains To Turkey Over Drones Sales to Ukraine, Turkish Bureaucrat Says”, Reuters, (erişim 27.05.2023).
  • “Saudi Arabia Wants to Buy Armed UAVs: Erdoğan”, Daily Sabah, (erişim 12.05.2023).
  • Scharre, Paul. “Yes, Unmanned Combat Aircraft Are The Future,” War On The Rocks, (erişim 25.05.2023).
  • Sevunts, Levon. “Bombardier Recreational Products Suspends Delivery Of Aircraft Engines Used On Its Military Drones”, CBC, (erişim 15.05.2023).
  • Soyaltin-Colella, Digdem and Demiryol, Tolga. “Unusual Middle Power Activism And Regime Survival: Turkey’s Drone Warfare and Its Regime-boasting Effects”, Third World Quarterly 44, no. 4, (2023): 724-743.
  • Stein, Aaron. “From Ankara With Implications: Turkish Drones And Alliance Entrapment”, War on the Rocks, (erişim 12.06.2023).
  • Tarhan, Muhammet. “Letonya, Türk Savunma Sanayisi İle İşbirliğine Büyük İlgi Duyuyor”, Anadolu Ajansı, (erişim 05.05.2023).
  • T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı Savunma Sanayii Başkanlığı. 2018-2022 Savunma Sanayii Sektörel Strateji Dokümanı, Ankara: 2018.
  • Toutate, Issam. “Morocco’s FAR Receives Drones Under Turkish Agreement”, Morocco World News, (erişim 12.05.2023).
  • Trevithick, Joseph ve Newdick, Thomas. “Every Thing We Know About The Fighthing That Has Erupted Between Armenia and Azerbaijan”, The Drive, The War Zone, (erişim 12.05.2023).
  • “Turkey Rejects Russia’s Accusations, Not Answerable For Ukraine’s Drone Use”, TRT World, (erişim 15.05.2023).
  • “Türk SİHA’sı İçin İmzalar Atıldı: Bir Ülke Daha Satın Alıyor”, TRT Haber, (erişim 22.05.2023).
  • Turak, Natasha. “Killer Drones And Multi-billion Dollar Deals: Turkey’s Rapidly-growing Defense Industry Is Boosting Its Global Clout”, CNBC, (erişim 13.05.2023).
  • “Ukraine, Turkey to Jointly Produce New-gen Armed Drones”, Daily Sabah, (erişim 12.05.2023).
  • Wever, Matthew. “What Weapons Have Other Countries Supplied to Ukraine?”, The Guardian, (erişim 17.05.2023).
  • Witt, Stephen. “The Turkish Drone That Changed the Nature of Warfare”, The New Yorker, (erişim 15.05.2023).
  • Yanık, Tolga. “Milli SİHA Bayraktar TB2, 500.000 Uçuş Saatini Tamamladı”, Anadolu Ajansı, (erişim 17.05.2023).
  • Zenko, Micah. “10 Things You Didn't Know About Drones”, Foreign Policy, 192. (erişim 25.05.2023).

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and Turkey

Year 2023, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 114 - 134, 30.10.2023


Turkey's increasing use of domestically produced Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in reconnaissance, intelligence and military operations draws attention. UAVs, which Turkey has started to use effectively, have become a foreign policy and security policy argument and have been increasingly sold to third countries. These UAVs are also effective in changing the regional balance of power. The developing technological infrastructure of UAVs has also enabled these vehicles to be used as a symbol of Turkey's technological development and self-sufficiency and to make them a source of political prestige. The use of UAVs on the battlefield helped make their military advantages and benefits visible, especially in the Karabakh War. This, in turn, affected and changed Turkey's military strategy, enabling it to adapt to new conditions. UAVs were armed shortly after their first use and have been used against terrorists since 2016. The use of UAVs as a tool in the realization of foreign policy purposes besides military purposes has led to an increase in Turkey's military capabilities and soft power, and has made it more prominent as a regional power.

Project Number



  • Axe, David. “Turkey Is The Middle East’s Newest Drone Super Power”, National Interest, (27.05.2023).
  • Bagci, Huseyin and Kurc, Caglar. “Turkey’s Strategic Choice: Buy Or Make Weapons?”, Defence Studies 17, no.1 (2017): 38-62.
  • Bekdil, Burak Ege. “Turkey’s TAI Sells Six Anka-S Drones To Tunisia,” Defence News, (erişim 15.05.2023).
  • Bekdil, Burak. The Rise And Rise Of Turkish Drone Technology, Perspectives Paper No.1992. Ramat Gan: The Begin- Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (BESA) Center, Bar-Ilan University, 2021.
  • Beraud-Sudreau, Lucie, da Silva, Diego Lopes, Kuimova, Alexandra and Wezeman, Pieter D. Emerging Suppliers In The Global Arms Trade, Insights On Peace and Security, Stockholm: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIRPI), 2020.
  • Bisht, Inder Singh. “UAE Negotiating $ 2B Bayraktar Drone Purchase With Turkey: Report”, The Defense Post, (erişim 02.06.2023).
  • Borsari, Federico. “Turkey’s Drone Diplomacy: Lessons for Europe”, European Council on Foreign Relations, (erişim 29.05.2023).
  • Boyle, Michael, J. “The Costs and Consequences Of Drone Warfare”, International Affairs 89 no. 1 (2013): 1-29. Brooks, Rosa. “Drones And International Rule Of Law”, Journal of Ethics and International Affairs 28, no. 1 (2014): 83-104.
  • Cagaptay, Soner and Outzen, Rich. “Drones And Resets, The New Era of Turkish Foreign Policy”, Baku Dialogues 5, no. 4, (2022): 52-67.
  • Canlı, Enes. “Hafter Milisleri Sahil Kenti Sirte’yi Ele Geçirdi”, Anadolu Ajansı, (erişim 15.05.2023).
  • Cannon, Brendon J. (2023). “The Arab States and the Karabakh War” içinde M. Hakan Yavuz and Michael M. Gunter (eds.). The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict: Historical And Political Perspectives, New York: Routledge, 2023, 402-419.
  • Charpentrau, Clement. “Ukraine Flies Its First Turkish-made Armed Drone Over Donbas”, Aerotime Hub, (erişim 25.05.2023).
  • Crino, Scott and Dreby, Andy. “Turkey’s Drone War in Syria-A Red Team View,” Small Wars Journal, (erişim 17.05.2023).
  • Cuka, Fajton. “Arnavutluk, Bayraktar TB2 SİHA Filosu Alım Antlaşması İmzaladı,” Anadolu Ajansı, (erişim 27.05.2923).
  • Delalande, Arnaud. “Libya: Drones Test Laboratory For A New Type Of Air Warfare”, Air&Cosmos International, (erişim 27.05.2023).
  • Demir, Kadir Alpaslan, Cicibas, Halil, and Arica, Nafiz. “Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Domain: Areas Of Research”, Defence Science Journal 65, no. 4 (2015): 319-329.
  • Dixon, Robyn. “Azerbaijan’s Drones Owned The Battlefield In Nagorno-Karabakh-And Showed Future Of Warfare,” Washington Post, (erişim 15.05.2023).
  • Doğan, Burak. “Bayraktar İçin Yapılan Şarkı Herkesin Dilinde: Şarkıyı İki Saatte Yazdım”, Yeni Şafak, (erişim 17.05.2023).
  • Donelli, Federico. “The Ankara Consensus: The Significance Of Turkey’s Engagement In Sub-Saharan Africa”, Global Change, Peace & Security 30, no. 1 (2018): 57-76.
  • Donelli, Federico and Cannon, Brendon J. “Power Projection Of Middle East States In The Horn Of Africa: Linking Security Burdens With Capabilities”, Small Wars and Insurgencies, (2021): 1-22.
  • Ehrhard, Thomas P. Air Force UAV’s: The Secret History, Arlington VA: Mitchell Institute Press, 2011.
  • Erickson, Edward J. “Turkey As Regional Hegemon-2014: Strategic Implications For The United States”, Turkish Studies 5, no. 3, (2004): 25-45.
  • Fahim, Kareem. “Turkey’s Military Campaign Beyond Its Borders Is Powered By Homemade Armed Drones”, Washington Post, (erişim 02.06.2023).
  • Farrell, Theo. “Improving In War: Military Adaptation And The British In Helmand Province, Afghanistan, 2006-2009”, Journal of Strategic Studies 33, no. 4, (2010): 567-594.
  • Fukuyama, Francis. “Droning On In The Middle East”, American Purpose, (erişim 11.06.2023).
  • Gall, Carlotta. “Airstrike Hits Turkish Forces in Syria, Raising Fears of Escalation”, New York Times, (erişim 15.06.2023).
  • Gatopoulos, Derek and Fraser, Suzan. “Cheap, Lethal Turkish Drones Surprisingly Effective At Bolstering Ukraine’s Defences”, The Times of Israel, (erişim 17.05.2023).
  • Gosselin-Malo, Elisabeth. “Turkey Modern Way Of Doing Foreign Policy: Drone Diplomacy”, Aspenia Online, (erişim 02.06.2023).
  • Hız, Hasan. “Koral, SİHA ve F-16lar: Rus Yapımı Hava Savunma Sistemlerinin Kâbusu Oldular”, Yeni Şafak, (erişim 05.06.2023).
  • Jakoubek, Christopher. “Turkish ‘Drone’ Diplomacy”, Security Outlines, (erişim 12.06.2023).
  • Jennings, Gareth. “Turkmenistan Confirmed As A Bayraktar TB2 UAS Customer”, Janes, (erişim 17.07.2023).
  • Karppi, Tero, Böhlen, Mark and Granata, Yvette. “Killer Robots as Cultural Techniques”, International Journal of Cultural Studies 21, no. 2, (2016): 107-123.
  • Kasapoğlu, Can ve Kırdemir, Barış. The Rising Drone Power: Turkey On the Eve Of Its Military Breakthrough, New York: Centre for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies (EDAM), 2018.
  • Kasapoğlu, Can. “Türk Harp Yaklaşımında ‘Dronizasyon’ Dönemi: Azerbaycan, Türkiye’nin Orta Doğu’daki SİHA Konseptlerini Kafkasya’ya Taşıdı”, Ekonomik ve Dışpolitika Araştırmaları Merkezi (EDAM), (erişim 05.06.2023)
  • Kasapoğlu, Can. ”Turkish Drone Strategy in The Black Sea Region And Beyond,” The Jamestown Foundation, (erişim 27.05.2023).
  • Kasapoğlu, Can and Özkaraşahin, Sine. Drone Warfare, Drone Wars, Defense Economics And Turkey’s Way, İstanbul: Centre for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies, 2022.
  • Kinsella, David. “Arms Transfer Dependence And Foreign Policy Conflict”, Journal of Peace Research 35, no. 1 (1998): 7-23.
  • Konert, Anna and Balcerzak, Tomasz. (2021). “Military Autonomous Drones (UAVs)-From Fantasy To Reality. Legal And Ethical Implications” içinde Anna Tomova and Doris Novak (eds). 10th International Conference On Air Transport-Inair 2021, Towards Aviation Revival. Transportation Research Procedia 59, 2021, 292–299.
  • Kurç, Çağlar. “Between Defence Autarky And Dependency: The Dynamics Of Turkish Defence Industrialization”, Defence Studies 17, no. 3, (2017): 260-281.
  • Lister, Charles. “Freeze And Build: A Strategic Approach To Syria Policy”, MEI Policy Memo, (erişim 15.05.2023).
  • Livanios, Dimitris. “The ‘Sick Man’ Paradox: History, Rhetoric And The ‘European Character’ Of Turkey”, Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans 8, no. 3, (2006): 299-311.
  • Marcus, Raphael D. “Learning ‘Under Fire’: Israel’s Improvised Military Adaptation To Hamas Tunnel Warfare”, Journal of Strategic Studies 42, no. 3-4, (2019): 344-370.
  • Mendes, Cristiano and Junqueira, Karina. “Drones, Warfare And The Deconstruction Of The Enemy”, Contexto Internacional 42, no. 2, (2020): 237-256.
  • Milan, Francesco F. and Tabrizi, Aniseh Bassiri. “Armed, Unmanned, And In High Demand: The Drivers Behind Combat Drones Proliferation In The Middle East”, Small Wars & Insurgencies 31, no. 4, (2020): 730-750.
  • Mitzer Stijn ve Oliemans, Joost. “Morocco’s Bayraktar TB2 UCAVs Break Cover”, Oryx, (erişim 12.05.2023).
  • Mizokami, Kyle. “For The First Time, Drones Autonomously Attacked Humans. This Is A Turning Point”, Popular Mechanics, (erişim 17.05.2023).
  • Neset, Siri, Aydın, Mustafa, Balta, Evren, Ataç, Kaan Kutlu, Dikici Bilgin, Hasret ve Strand, Arne. Turkey As a Regional Security Actor In The Blacksea, The Mediterranean And The Levant Region Report No. 2, Bergen, Norveç: Chr Michelsen Institute (CMI), 2021.
  • Outzen, Rich. Deals, Drones, And National Will: The New Era In Turkish Power Projection, Washington: Washington Institute For Nearest Policy, Policy Notes No. 108, 2021. Özçelik, Necdet. “Askeri Harekâtların Kuvvet Çarpanı: İnsansız Hava Araçları”, Anadolu Ajansı, (erişim 02.06.2023).
  • Plaw, Avery. Targeting Terrorists, A Licence To Kill?, Cornwall: Ashgate, 2008. “Poland To Become First NATO Country To Buy Turkish Drones”, Alarabia News, (erişim 12.05.2023).
  • Rinehart, Christine Sixta. “Sharing Security In An Era Of International Cooperation: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles And United States’ Air Force”, Defense and Security Analysis 33, no. 1, (2017): 45-56.
  • Rossiter, Ash. “Drone Usage By Militant Groups, Exploring Variation In Adoption”, Defense and Security Analysis 34, no. 2, (2018): 113-126.
  • Rossiter, Ash and Cannon, Brendon J. “Turkey’s Rise As A Drone Power: Trial By Fire”, Defence & Security Analysis 38, no. 2, (2022): 210-229.
  • “Russia Complains To Turkey Over Drones Sales to Ukraine, Turkish Bureaucrat Says”, Reuters, (erişim 27.05.2023).
  • “Saudi Arabia Wants to Buy Armed UAVs: Erdoğan”, Daily Sabah, (erişim 12.05.2023).
  • Scharre, Paul. “Yes, Unmanned Combat Aircraft Are The Future,” War On The Rocks, (erişim 25.05.2023).
  • Sevunts, Levon. “Bombardier Recreational Products Suspends Delivery Of Aircraft Engines Used On Its Military Drones”, CBC, (erişim 15.05.2023).
  • Soyaltin-Colella, Digdem and Demiryol, Tolga. “Unusual Middle Power Activism And Regime Survival: Turkey’s Drone Warfare and Its Regime-boasting Effects”, Third World Quarterly 44, no. 4, (2023): 724-743.
  • Stein, Aaron. “From Ankara With Implications: Turkish Drones And Alliance Entrapment”, War on the Rocks, (erişim 12.06.2023).
  • Tarhan, Muhammet. “Letonya, Türk Savunma Sanayisi İle İşbirliğine Büyük İlgi Duyuyor”, Anadolu Ajansı, (erişim 05.05.2023).
  • T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı Savunma Sanayii Başkanlığı. 2018-2022 Savunma Sanayii Sektörel Strateji Dokümanı, Ankara: 2018.
  • Toutate, Issam. “Morocco’s FAR Receives Drones Under Turkish Agreement”, Morocco World News, (erişim 12.05.2023).
  • Trevithick, Joseph ve Newdick, Thomas. “Every Thing We Know About The Fighthing That Has Erupted Between Armenia and Azerbaijan”, The Drive, The War Zone, (erişim 12.05.2023).
  • “Turkey Rejects Russia’s Accusations, Not Answerable For Ukraine’s Drone Use”, TRT World, (erişim 15.05.2023).
  • “Türk SİHA’sı İçin İmzalar Atıldı: Bir Ülke Daha Satın Alıyor”, TRT Haber, (erişim 22.05.2023).
  • Turak, Natasha. “Killer Drones And Multi-billion Dollar Deals: Turkey’s Rapidly-growing Defense Industry Is Boosting Its Global Clout”, CNBC, (erişim 13.05.2023).
  • “Ukraine, Turkey to Jointly Produce New-gen Armed Drones”, Daily Sabah, (erişim 12.05.2023).
  • Wever, Matthew. “What Weapons Have Other Countries Supplied to Ukraine?”, The Guardian, (erişim 17.05.2023).
  • Witt, Stephen. “The Turkish Drone That Changed the Nature of Warfare”, The New Yorker, (erişim 15.05.2023).
  • Yanık, Tolga. “Milli SİHA Bayraktar TB2, 500.000 Uçuş Saatini Tamamladı”, Anadolu Ajansı, (erişim 17.05.2023).
  • Zenko, Micah. “10 Things You Didn't Know About Drones”, Foreign Policy, 192. (erişim 25.05.2023).
There are 70 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects International Security
Journal Section Research Articles

Mehmet Erkan Kıllıoğlu 0000-0002-3146-2609

Project Number -
Early Pub Date October 22, 2023
Publication Date October 30, 2023
Submission Date August 5, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 4 Issue: 2


Chicago Kıllıoğlu, Mehmet Erkan. “İnsansız Hava Araçları (İHA) Ve Türkiye”. Türk Savaş Çalışmaları Dergisi 4, no. 2 (October 2023): 114-34.

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