Writing Rules

  • The language of papers submitted to Anatolian Journal of Economics and Business for publication may be Turkish or English.

  • Manuscript submitted to the journal should not have been published or under consideration for publication elsewhere.

  • If you are interested in sending articles to the journal, you can access to journal publication policy through the link of About Journal. Papers must be submitted online via the online submission.

Manuscripts submitted to Anatolian Journal of Economics and Business should be arranged in accordance with the following style guidelines:

  • Manuscript should not exceed 25 pages. Abstracts are limited to 150 words. For manuscripts written in Turkish, abstracts should be in Turkish and in English. For manuscripts written in English, abstracts should be written in original language and in Turkish. Manuscripts must include the key words and JEL classifications codes.

  • Title of the article should be written in 14 points, bold, centered, capital letters for initials and small for the others. The English title should be given ahead of abstract in English.

  • The author's name and surname must align to right with 12 font size, information such as affiliation, institution, and email must be presented in the footnotes.

  • Further information such as if the work has already been presented as a paper in the conferences, should be presented in the footnotes.

  • Title of the abstracts should be written in bold, italic and centered, the text of abstract should be written in 11 points, italic and aligned to both side, single space.

  • Keywords and JLE classification codes should be written 11 points and italics.

  • Margins of the pages should be 3,5 cm wide.

  • The main text should be 12 point  in Times New Romans, align with both side, single space. Italic can be used to highlight the significance of the sentences.

  • 6 nk space should be after each paragraph.

  • All title should be numbered in the manuscript including introduction to conclusion, 12 point, bolds and capital letters for initials and small for the others.

  • Tables and diagrams should be named and numbered and they should be centered. Titles of the tables must be written above the related tables and justified.

  • All graphs, maps, and photo apart from table should be numbered, titled, and centered. Titles of the graphs must be below the related graphs and justified.

  • Sources of the figures or tables must be stated as in-text citation below the figure or table.

  • Formulas and equations should be written by using equation editor. Equations should begin from the paragraph line. All equations must be numbered. Row numbers should be written in parentheses and placed in the right-hand side of the line..

  • All pages should be numbered consecutively, beginning with the title page through the reference page(s), centered on the bottom of the pages.

  • References should be cited in the text within parenthesis. Further explanation notes should be given as footnotes at the bottom of the pages. Reference cited in the text should be as following in turn, last name, year and page numbers within brackets.  Cite of reference based on single, two or more authors should be as; Coase, 1937: 386), (Nelson and Winter, 1973: 440) ve (Phelps vd., 1970: 20-24). Where reference is made to more than one work by the same author published in the same year, identify each citation in the text as follows: (Baumol, 1962: 1078; 1967: 415).

  • Only references cited within the text are included. All references must be complete and accurate. It is necessary to check cite in the text and in the reference list.

  • References should be single space and listed by surname as alphabetically, where two or more authors are listed in the reference list, please cite all authors surnames in reference’s list. References should be presented as the following guidelines style:

For books by single author;

Hicks, J. R. (1932), The Theory of Wages, Macmillan, New York.

For books by two or more authors;

Cyert, R. M., March, J. G. (1963), A Behavioral Theory of the Firm. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. Prentice-Hall, Chicago.

Article published periodical by single author;

Akerlof, G. (1979), “The Case against Conservative Macro-Economics: An Inaugural Lecture”, Economica, 46(183): 219-237.

Article published periodical by two or more author;

Nelson, R. R., Winter, S. G. (1973), “Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Economic Capabilities”, American Economic Review, 63(2): 440 -449.

Conference Proceedings;

Castelloa, M. A., Gruberb, D. (2015), “The Financial Channel in International Trade”, 4th Economics & Finance Conference, London, UK, 175-186.

Electronic Sources (Web Publications);

Dollar, D. (2002), “Reform, Growth, and Poverty in Vietnam”, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 2837, http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/263091468781159602/pdf/multi0page.pdf (30. 05. 2017).

Böhme, M. H., Kups, S. (2017), “The Economic Effects of Labour Immigration in Developing Countries A Literature Review”, OECD Development Centre Working Papers, 335, http://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/development/the-economic-effects-of-labour-immigration-in-developing-countries_c3cbdd52-en (30. 05. 2017).