Writing Rules

Assessment of Manuscripts:

The manuscripts that have been sent to the journal are first assessed in terms of the consistency to the publishing principles of the journal. The manuscripts are not fulfilling the publishing principles of the journal will not be peer reviewed or assessed for publication.

The manuscripts that are in the process of assessment are sent to two reviewers determined by Editorial Board thereby hiding the names of writers. During the assessment phase any information about the identity of writer/writers is not given to the reviewers and the names of the reviewers are not disclosed to the authors. If one of the referee reports is positive and another is negative, the manuscript is sent to the third referee and/or Editorial Board can give the last decision by means of assessing the reports. The authors consider reviews, suggestions and correction requests of the referees and Editorial Board. If any, they can notify their disagreements to Editorial Board in a separate report with justification. The referee reports are hidden for a period of five years.

The issues of the manuscripts which are chosen for publishing are determined by the Editorial Board.

 Translated articles are subject to the same publication process as copyrighted articles.

 Non-critical articles can be published with the approval of the editor without being sent to the referees.

Spelling Rules:

The articles that are to be sent to the journal should be prepared in both MS Word (.doc or .docx) and PDF (.pdf) formats.

 A) Page Layout

Typefont: Times New Roman

Font size: 11 point

Font size in footnote: 9 point

Line spacing: Single

Paragraph spacing: 6 pt

Indent : 1 cm

Left margin: 3 cm

Right margin: 2 cm

Top margin: 3 cm

Bottom margin: 2 cm

B) Title: It should be written in bold capital letters and should not exceed 12 words. The English translation of the title should be in lowercase letters and below the Turkish title. (The second language of the articles written in English and Russian must be Turkish.)

C) Writer’s Name: Author’s name/s should be written below the title and the information about job title, institution address and email should be indicated with an asterisk that would be attached to the end of the name.

D) Abstract: Abstracts of the article should not exceed 200 words. In the abstract, resources, tables and figures should not be indicated. Below the abstract there should be keywords composed of minimum 5 words and maximum 8 words. The abstract and keywords should be translated into English. The abstracts of the articles, which are not written in Turkish, should also be prepare in English and Turkish. At the end of each article, an extended summary of at least 500 words in Russian and 5 word keywords should be included.

E) Citation and Giving Reference: Exact quotations which are not longer than three lines should be placed in inverted commas. Longer quotations than three lines should be indented 1,25 cm from the left and right margin in a separate paragraph, font size should be ranged as 10 point. The references should be indicated in a text in the layout below stated.

Single Author: (Türkoğlu, 2000:101)

Two Authors: (Demir ve Yılmaz 2005: 4)

More than one work of the same author in the same year: (Arık, 2007a; Arık, 2007b)

More than one resource: (Türkoğlu, 2000:60; Maraş, 2002:21)

More than one author: (Zheltov vd., 2009:7) The name of the first author should be written.

Citation from an unseen resource: (Clauson, 1962; Tekin, 2003:19’dan)

To refer to internet pages in a text the above mentioned layout must be followed. In resources which author’s name is not available, title of the text should be written instead of the author’s name. Date accessed should be written instead of the date.   

Footnotes should be used only for explanations and the above mentioned in-text referencing style should be used while providing a reference to the information in footnotes.

F) References: By the end of the text in an article should be listed in an alphabetical order by surname of authors.


Türkoğlu, İsmail. (2000). Rusya Türkleri Arasındaki Yenileşme Hareketinin Öncülerinden Rızaeddin Fahreddin. İstanbul: Ötüken Neşriyat.

Ceylan, Emine (1997). Çuvaşça Çok Zamanlı Ses Bilgisi. Ankara: TDK Yayınları.


Alp, Alper. (2013). Rus Çarlığında Müftülüklerin Kuruluşu ve Gelişimi. Gazi Akademik Bakış, 13, s. 117-126.

Devlet, Nadir (1983). Sovyetler Birliğindeki Türkleri Ruslaştırmada Yeni Adımlar. Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları, 28, s. 1-10.


The references to the texts in the internet should be written in bibliography in accordance with the layout below.

Surname, Name. (Date accessed). Title. Page/Website name. page. link. (When author’s name is not available in resources, title of the text should be replaced with author’s name and the same layout should be followed.)

Sound and Video Records:

With regard to the references to the sound and video resources, surname and name of a person whose contribution would be highlighted (producer, director, scenarist, actor/actress, writer, soloist, etc. ) and then his/her position, broadcast date, name of  work, other people or institutions that contribute to work, format of work (VCD, DVD etc.)

Sınav, Osman. yön. (2012). Uzun Hikaye. Sen. Yiğit Güralp. Oyun. Kenan İmirzalıoğlu, Tuğçe Kazaz, Ushan Çakır, vd. DVDSinegraf Film.