Writing Rules

- Articles submitted to the journal must not have been published elsewhere or submitted for publication.
 -Authors must provide references for all citations used in their articles.
- Authors should guarantee that they have made a scientific contribution to the article.
- The results of the research in the articles should be presented clearly and honestly, without fabrication, inaccuracy and inappropriate data manipulation.
- Authors must guarantee that the article does not contain plagiarism and is their own work.
- All authors have equal responsibility for ethical principles.
- The names of the people who contributed to the article and agreed to be named as co-authors should be included in the article.
- Authors should provide access to the datasets included in the article if necessary.
- Authors are expected to make the corrections specified in the referee reports in a timely manner.
- "Ethics committee approval must be obtained separately for research conducted in all disciplines, including Social Sciences, and for clinical and experimental human and animal studies that require ethics committee approval, and this approval must be specified and documented in the article." In accordance with the article, "ethics committee approval" must be sent for articles containing qualitative / quantitative field research and survey applications that were uploaded to our system on or after 1 January 2020. Articles without ethics committee approval will not be accepted and will be removed from the process at any stage.


1. Submitted manuscripts should be maximum 25 A4 pages in size with 1.5 line spacing, including tables and figures. The title of the article should be in 16-point font, the text should be in 12-point font (Times New Roman) and should be prepared in a single column using Turkish font. Identification information (title, affiliated organization, e-mail address, article type and ORCID number) of the author names under the title of the article should be indicated at the bottom of the page in footnote format.
Examples of article types:
• Research paper
• Review Article
• Case Study

2. At the beginning of all submitted articles, Turkish Title, Turkish Abstract, English Title, English Abstract should be included. Abstracts should not exceed 150 words. Care should be taken to include the aim, method, findings and results in the abstracts. Keywords should be written in English and Turkish under the abstract. Abbreviations should not be used in abstracts. All headings including introduction, text and conclusion (except references) should be numbered, the first letter should be capitalized and bold. More details about the purpose and methodology of the study should be given in the introduction. Each table, figure and graph should be numbered and have a caption indicating the exact content. If tables, figures and graphs have references, the references should be written under the tables, figures and graphs. The conclusion should provide information about the results of the study and recommendations/future studies.

3. Submitted articles must have at least two and at most four JEL (Journal of Economic Literature) classifications at the two-digit level (e.g. M41). For the JEL classifications that should be selected according to the title of the article, please visit https://www.aeaweb.org/econlit/jelCodes.php?view=jel.

4. Every citation in the text must be included in the bibliography. Works that are not cited in the text should not be given in the bibliography. Explanations other than quotations should be given under the relevant page in the form of footnotes.

5. Plagiarism is when you incorporate someone else's ideas into your own work without acknowledging the original source; this is considered academic dishonesty and can cause serious problems. Self-plagiarism, on the other hand, is presenting a previously published work as a new work without citing the source. For this reason, when referring to the ideas of others (and your own previously published work), appropriate citation and citation rules based on the APA (American Psychological Association) format should be followed. Accordingly, citations should be listed in the bibliography alphabetically according to the author-date system.

6. Citations in the text should be given in brackets (following the order of the surname of the author(s), the year of publication of the source: the relevant page number), and the bibliography list, which includes the sources used in full and complete bibliography, should be shown at the end of the text in accordance with the citation system. In cases where the same author has more than one work published in the same year, a, b should be written at the end of the year (author's surname 2018a, page number). If an author's name is mentioned in the text, there is no need to specify the citation again at the end of the sentence. For example: "Gençoğlu (2018, 80) says...". In addition, it is not necessary to give a page number when referring to the entire source at the beginning of a sentence (as in a literature review).

7. In the bibliography, the surnames of the authors should be written in alphabetical order, the first letter of the author's name should be written and the year should be given in parentheses. If there is more than one author, each author's surname and name should be separated with a hyphen (-), a period should be placed between the source information, the first letter of the title (in quotation marks if it is an article) should be capitalized, and the page range of the articles in the journal should be included. For internet sources, the date of access should be written.

According to its nature, the way the source is written in the citations in the text and in the bibliography are exemplified below:
Single-author books and articles :
In the text: (Surname, Year: Page number)
In the bibliography: Surname, Name (Year), Title of the book, Volume, Publishing House, Place of Publication.
In the text: (Surname, Year: Page number)
In the bibliography: Surname, Name (Year), "Article title", Journal, Issue, Month, Page range.

Books and articles with two authors :
In the text: (Surname and Last Name, Year: Page)
In the bibliography: Surname, First Name - Last Name, First Name (Year), Title of the book, Volume, Publishing House, Place of Publication.
In the text: (Surname and Last Name, Year: Page)
In the bibliography: Surname, First Name - Last Name, First Name (Year), "Title of the article", Journal, Volume, Number, Month, Page range.

Books and articles with more than two authors:
In the text: (Surname et al., Year: Page)
In the bibliography: Surname, Name - Surname, Name - Surname, Name - Surname, Name - Surname, Name - Surname, Name - Surname, Name (Year), Title of the Book, Publishing House, Place of Publication.
In text: (Surname et al., Year: 19)
Bibliography: Surname, Name - Surname, Name - Surname, Name - Surname, Name - Surname, Name - Surname, Name - Surname, Name (Year), "Title of the article", Journal, Issue, Month, Page range.

Anonymous/collective publications:
In the text: (Publication House, Year: Page)
Bibliography: Publishing House (Year), Title of the Study, Publishing House, Place of Publication.
Quotations from secondary sources:
In the text: (Primary Source Surname, Year: Page)
In the bibliography: Primary Source Surname, Name (Year), Title of the work, Publishing House, Place of Publication, (Cited by Name, Surname, Title of the work, Publishing House, Place of Publication, Year, page range.)

Electronic citations:
a) If the citation is from an author's work, citations in the text should be made in the same way as in written sources; in the bibliography, the surname, name, date of publication or revision, full name of the document, complete http or ftp address in angle brackets and the date of access to the document should be given in accordance with the example below.
In the text: (Surname, Year)
In the bibliography: Surname, Name (Year), "Title of the work", Web page Link (Access Date).
b) If the citation is made directly from a website, the general address of the website and the date of access to the website should be given in brackets in the references in the text. In the bibliography, the site address, including sub-addresses, should also be given in brackets together with the date of access to the site.
In the text: (web page link, 1999)
Bibliography: (web page link, Date Accessed)

Last Update Time: 5/7/24, 10:58:02 AM