Writing Rules

  1. Submissions must be written in Turkish or English.
  2. NOVUS ORBIS will not review a manuscript containing less than 5000 and more than 10,000 words, including notes and references. Please provide a word count in your submission.
  3. Articles should include Turkish and English 250-word abstract and maximum 5 keywords. All Turkish articles should also have an “Extended Abstract” of 750-800 words at the end of the article.

  4.  Author name must be in 12pt bold and italic. Author affiliation and details must be in 10pt in footnote.
  5. The entire article must be in Georgia, 12 pt, and single-spaced type.

Page Setup

  1. Page setup must be 3,5 cm from top, 3,5 cm from bottom, 4,5 cm from left, 4,5 cm from right, gutter 0, header 1.25 cm, footer 1,5 cm. 

  2. Sub-headings must be within three characters from the preceding heading.
  3. Indentation must be, for the first line, 1,25; spacing before must be 3 pt, after must be 3 pt, justified


  1. We recommend using American Psychological Association (APA) style for citation and referencing.

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